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When Nella steps into the room with one simple look towards Tori it's enough to get Tori to push herself out of the seat next to me for Nella to take.

"What's going on?" She questions me as if I have any more of an idea than she does.

As I had made my way into my class this morning my teacher had pulled me aside and told me that I was wanted in the principals office. Why, I had no idea.

"How would I know?"

Today is another one of those days where Im simply not in the mood for anything or anyone, the last thing I wanted was to be stuck in a small room with these three first thing in the morning.

"Whatever it is act dumb and clueless." Nella warned through gritted teeth looking over at Tori and Vee knowing that I would never be dumb enough to say something stupid that might get us in trouble.

I had honestly preferred the tactic take responsibility- even if you're not to blame- and apologise, it just seems to work so much better with adults who have little power yet act as if they own the world. It feeds into their oversized ego.

"Do you think we're in trouble?" Vee panicked her eyes wide with fear and her body tense. I can't help but roll my eyes at her question. Have we done anything wrong to be in trouble? I for sure haven't- which is a first - so I would be more than okay with throwing them under the bus and leaving if it comes to that.

"We haven't done anything wrong." Tori reassures her though she doesn't seem to believe this statement herself.

As soon as the door handle clicked and the door was pushed open I pushed myself up so I was sitting in a decent matter instead of attempting to sprawl myself out as if I were in a bed. Tori, Nella, and Vee also moved so they were sitting at attention watching cautiously as our Principal made his way into his own office.

Out of respect we all stand up in sync which I guess is stupid but we are all scared and I guess since I did it the other girls followed in suit. I suppose they think I'm the expert here but really it's Nella, that girl can sweet talk her way out of anything while my big mouth tends to get me into more trouble.

"Good Morning girls." Mr Yates greets taking a seat at his desk allowing us to sit back down, imagine if he had stayed standing that would have been awkward.

"Good Morning Mr Yates." We greet back sitting to intention.

"You're all probably wondering why I called you in here." He started causing me to nod.

The other girls are still tense and nervous but by the smile on Mr Yates face reassures me that whatever reason why we are here isn't a bad one.

"News has surfaced to me that the four of you have taken it upon yourselves to raise some money for the local sports club to help the children's teams while representing our school," I give Nella a knowing look before turning my attention back to Mr Yates. "and I must say I've never been more proud of students who have attended this school. " I have to bite down on the insides of my cheeks to stop myself from laughing, if only he knew the real reason as to why we started this in the first place. "It is my understanding that you have also raised an outstanding amount of money in such a small amount of time."

With Nella's donation box at her dad's restaurant, Tori's box at her mum's salon, and all the door knocking we've done as well as street performing we have done pretty well. Whether this was an act of revenge or not the money is going to a good cause. Isn't that what matters most?

Baby boy ✔️Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant