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As soon as I step out of the lift and into the lobby I spot the three girls who called themselves my friends but did noting but destroy me all these years.

After last night I have come to the conclusion that I'm done letting Nella control me. It's not her fault though, it's mine. My life is mine to control but I gave her the power which is the only reason she ever had a handle on me.

The worst part is I let them. I sat there and watched them tare me apart piece by piece for their own entertainment.

But I'm done now.

What remains left of me is still better than letting them have one last piece. I would rather be alone then spend another second with people who bring me down and not only make me feel worse but turn me into a worse person.

The first one to spot me is Nella who gives me an excited look as if she is expecting me to tell her the most entertaining story she has ever heard. Vee and Tori follow so now all three of them are grinning at me excitedly as if I just got accepted to Harvard and they are proud parents.

What is wrong with them?

Can they not see how incredibly and utterly pissed I am, I'm positive it's written all over my face and the way I storm up to them.

"What happen?" Nella snorts bitterly once I've approached them and she has finally become aware that things didn't go the way she wanted them to.

If anything she looks unimpressed and bored causing something deep down inside me to screech out for me to slap her. How badly I want to but what I'm about to say will hurt just as much, besides I don't want to get suspended.

"I'm done." I'm looking directly at Nella who is giving me a look that once I would have never dared face because it's her look of pure distraction, I've watched her face so many of her target with that look but I'm nit her target anymore. This girl will now fear me.

"What do you mean your done?" Vee's whinny tone from beside me causes me to roll my eyes and groan.

"Why don't you shut up and let me tell you." I mimic in a high pitched tone that causes Tori to snort but attempt to cover it up realising right now wasn't the time.

Who the hell would want friends like these? They constantly sit there and butch about each other not to mention all the backstabbing that goes on. They don't even like each other so why are we all friends?

"I'm done with your bitch and whiney attitude, you're annoying." I say to Vee before turning to Tori. "I'm done with your selfish behaviour and the fact that you act innocent but stand by and watch which makes you just as bad as the rest of us, you're pitiful." And now I turn to Nella. "And I'm done with everything about you. You say your my best friend but you have done nothing but manipulate me for years, you're pathetic." Nella's face remains stern and unreadable but it doesn't scare me. Nothing she could do to me is worse than what I've don't to myself.

I'm no better than any of them I know that and I will be the first to admit it. I can't call them out if I'm not better.

"And I'm done with who I've become, I'm a total bitch who played a guy just because of a dare. So goodbye." I nod once before storming off in the direction of the doors that the rest of our school mates were headed leaving the three girls dumb founded.

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