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A gentle knock on my door followed by my dad simply saying my name is enough to wake me up. Why can't I be a deep sleeper like my dad and Kasper?

"You want to go out for breakfast?" I rub my eyes in hopes of waking myself up. I have to be dreaming, my dad has never been the type of person to go out for breakfast. He says that the prices they charge for eggs and bacon are ridiculous compared to how much it costs him to cook at home.

"Sure, just let me get dressed." I take up his offer, no way am I missing an opportunity to get waffles on a Sunday morning, I'm even willing to sacrifice one of the only two days I get a week to sleep all day.

When my dad shuts the door behind him I shoot out of bed and pull on the first thing I see which happens to be a pair of leggings and an oversized teeshirt. I don't even bother brushing my teeth, I have gum in the car, I just pull on my shoes and grab a jacket and my phone before running out the front door and getting into the car before my dad can change his mind.

The car ride is silent which I am thankful for due to the fact that I have barley been up for five minutes. To pass time I fix my messy bed hair into a bun which ends with my dad yelling at me to stop moving because he can't see out from my window.

We ended up at one of the cafes outside of the local mall which means that if my dad is in a good mood- which given today's random desire to go out to breakfast, I'm assuming he is- I can take his wallet on a date for a couple of hours.

"Did you have fun last night?" I attempt, hoping to get some answers for his sudden change of heart once we are settled into out two seated table.

For the first time in a long time it's just my dad and I. Kasper had stayed at Liam's place last night which I have to admit I was kind of jealous of but now that Jakob and I are older there is no way in this life time or any other for that matter that my dad would let me sleep under the same roof as Jakob. Why is it when your kids everything is cute when you do things with a boy but once you hit your teens you're slut shamed for simply talking to them?

"Yeah dinner was pretty good." He answers.

"Where did you go?" I feel like a proud mum only as a daughter. My dad never leaves the house, I'd like to think I'm finally rubbing off on him. Now I just need to corrupt Kasper.

"The city." I would respond but truth be told I had nothing to say. Sometimes my dad is just the worst person to have a conversation with so I let silence fall between us while we look down at our menus figuring out what we want.

To my disappointment they don't have waffles so I decide on French toast while my dad goes for eggs which causes me to cringe. I absolutely hate eggs. I don't know how people can handle the taste, or texture, but most importantly the smell.

Yet as I look around me I notice lots of crazy people starting their day with eggs which makes me cringe more. This is too much to handle before having a coffee.

Finally my coffee arrives but to my dismay it's cold but I don't say anything because quite frankly I don't care enough to knowing that if I do say something my dad will complain because he wants his money's worth and is secretly the biggest perfectionist in the world.

"You and Jakob seem to be getting close again." My dad attempts to causally mention causing me to give him a 'really dad?' Kind of look. Although it wasn't a question it was obvious in his tone that he was curious. "I'm just saying he's a good kid, a better influence than Nella."

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