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Nella's words had played again over and over in my head causing my mood to only worsen. Now on my way to my final class of the day and the week before the weekend hits I can't help but wonder if maybe Nella wasn't playing. There could be a slight chance that she was telling the truth.

This thought had only crossed my mind when I had walked past Vee in the hallway before my last class. It was hard to explain but the vindictive smirk she gave me was enough to have me questioning myself and what I had led myself to believe.

But if Nella was really looking out for me what did that mean?

Or worse what would happen if Vee did tell Jakob about the bet?

I couldn't afford to loose Jakob, not right now while everything else is going to hell in my life. If I lost Jakob I would have no one left. It was a massive hole I had dug myself into but in the bright side I guess it could suffice as a grave if worse came to worse.

I didn't want to wait for that to happen.

My guts was telling me to find Jakob before Vee did, and pray that she hadn't already. What would I do or say? I couldn't just keep Jakob away from Vee forever, even if that sounded like the most ideal plan. I had tried confessing multiple times and each time I failed miserably. If I tried one more time who knows what would happen. I've humiliated myself enough times in front of Jakob to last me not only a lifetime but an infinite amount of lifetimes.

It's like I'm stuck at a cross road and I don't know which way I'm going. All I know is I need to find Jakob right now.

As I turn down the next hallway I spot Jakob climbing the staircase to get to his next class and trailing not far behind him is Vee who catches me calling out to him and sends me a wicked grin before hurrying after him.

Without giving it a second though I burst into a sprint down the hallway desperate to get to Jakob before she does, or maybe if she gets there before me I can crash tackle her to the ground hard enough to put her in hospital for a few months. The second option sounds tempting,y more appealing.

Where was Tori? Why wasn't she keeping her demand cat from hell on a leach?

"Nazareth Jones, come back here this instant!" The familiar squeaky voice of my arch nemesis fills the empty hallway causing me to jolt to a complete stop.

Well I suppose calling Ms Walsh my arch nemisis was a bit much but I swear for the life of me that women hates my guts. Thank god I only had her for ninth grade science otherwise I don't think I would be alive today. From day one she had just decided she didn't like me and through out all of ninth grade she made my life a living hell. I know it sounds like I'm exaggerating but I'm not. Every single person in my class agreed that she had it out for me for no apparent reason. I mean sure I didn't pay attention in any of her classes but did anyone?

So of course now, in my one moment of desperation, she is there to crumble any hope I have of shutting Vee up. I don't know who I hate more in this very moment.

"Yes Ms?" I huff not bothering to hide my annoyance or even turn around for that matter. I needed to be ready to burst into s run at any given moment to catch up to Vee and make sure she can't utter a single word ever again.

"No running in the hallways! As someone who is graduating in a month I would expect you to know the rules by now, if you didn't I would be very worried." See what I mean.

It's not so much what she says but the tone she uses. She doesn't talk like this to anyone else and believe it or not this is her being nice to me. I bet she's just happy because she knows she has played a major role in ruining my life right now.

"Now I believe your class is in the other direction." She was right but how the hell did she know that, did she have my schedule memorised off by heart so she knew when she could pop out from nowhere and terrorise me?

"Yeah but I just..." I didn't get to finish my sentence because she didn't give me the chance to.

"No buts just get to class before I give you a detention for skipping." She scowls causing me to mentally roll my eyes, I learned that physically rolling your eyes with this women is not a good thing to do at all.

"But I just.." Again I couldn't finish my excuse. Heck if I told her I was about to give birth I'm sure she wouldn't want to hear it.

"Now Nazareth!" She demands leaving now room for me to fight her on it.

Why do they let old hags teach at schools, isn't that a form of child abuse?

Sighing in defeat and mentally cussing her out with every insult known to man kind in as many languages as I can think of, I turn and make my way in the opposite direction. It's probably too late now, Vee has most likely made her mark and now all that I would have left would be what ever is left of the wreckage caused by the Devils spawn herself.


Hey guys I know these messages are the worst but it would mean the world to me if anyone who's looking for a new story to read would check out my story Cold in L.A.


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