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A small knock came at my door causing me to close the lid off my laptop halfway. Only two people live in this house besides me, one knocks as though he is about to break the door down while the other knocks as though he is scared the door will fall on him if he knocks too hard.

"Yeah." I call loudly for Kasper to hear me through the door. The door is pushed open slightly causing Kasper's small figure to slowly show in the door way. Kasper slowly walks in and closes the door behind him even though there is no own else in the house.

"What's wrong buddy?" I ask watching as his head is hanging low and his shoulders sag.

"Why isn't our family happy?" He asks causing my eyes to widen. Kasper looks up briefly and I gesture for him to come closer so he is seated on the bed next to me. I move my laptop to the side wanting to give my little brother my full attention.

"Kasper lots of families aren't happy but that doesn't mean it's the end of the world." I start out honestly.

I wasn't going to lie to him or sugar coat it. It is what it is. Whether he is ten or twenty it will still be the same and complicated. He needs the truth. He needs to know that everything won't always be one hundred percent okay and that is okay.

"But all my friends have both a mum and a dad who take care of them but I made mum leave." He cries causing me to wrap my arms around him and pull him closer to me.

"Firstly there are plenty of people with only one parent, some people don't even know their parents. Secondly it isn't your fault mum left. She was never...." I pause for a moment.

Just because all the memories I have with my mother are bad and Kasper was way to young to remember her doesn't mean that I need to give him a bad memory of her as well.

"Sometimes mums and dads fall out of love." I explain recalling the lyrics of James TW's when you love someone. "I know it's doesn't make sense and it don't add up but we'll always love you no matter what." I continue hoping this will make sense to him.

"But you hate dad and your going to finish school and go as well." Kasper sobs causing my heart to sink and my insides to turn.

I always promised myself that as soon as I graduated I would be as far away from here as possibly could. I hadn't realised how much that would affect Kasper. He would be alone with my dad and that wouldn't be fair. He wouldn't have that feminine figure to look up to or ask for advice. For as long as Kasper can remember I have been there for him and I had promised I wouldn't let anyone hurt him the way I had been hurt but now I was planning on walking out on him.

"I don't hate dad." I exhale reluctantly as though this is something I don't want to say aloud to anyone let alone Kasper I'm fears he might go tell dad. "We just have a hard relationship and will probably never be close again." I attempt hoping that sheds light on the situation and comforts Kasper a little.

He doesn't say anything just continues to sob while I hold him. I exhale softly not wanting him to think I am bored of the topic or anything.

"Kasper I need you to listen to me." I pull away and cup his small face so he is looking up at me. "There is no one I care about on this planet more than you. I have watched you grow from a little baby to who you are now. As if I'm just going to walk away from that." I tell him and he nods the tears still falling from his eyes. "Do you want to sleep next to me tonight? We can watch toy story on my laptop and I will make some popcorn. " I suggest. He wipes the tears away with the back of his hand before nodding his head. I smile broadly at him glad that I could somehow fix his mood a little.

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