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"Have you noticed something about chick flicks?" I started not caring if I missed a little of the movie we were watching.

If anything I wanted any distraction from the movie. It was the only semi decent thing playing on to and after the shirt mood I've been in all day I couldn't be bothered putting anything on from Netflix so Jakob and I had settled for She's all that.

My luck the movie is about a guy who has a bet with his friends that he could make any girl into a prom queen. Just what's needed after the day I've had today. It's like an aching reminder of how much of a horrible person I am.

The only thing I hate is the fact that the movie is focusing on Laney, I want to know what is running through Zack's head. Does he feel guilty for stringing Laney on? Is he confused on what to do because he's realised just how amazing Laney is and suddenly can't imagine life without her by his side? Why can't this stupid movie follow Zack?

"This is the only chick flick I've ever seen but I assume that they're all boring and cliche."

It had been a rhetorical question but at Jakob's response I roll my eyes. A typical guy answer.

Yet what's interesting is that he had been making comments about the movie the same way he does with the marvel movies when he's really into them.  Why are guys so egotistical when it comes to romance movies?

"No." I huff with an eye roll my female emotions annoyed by the fact that he is insulting a good genre of movies. "What I was going to say  was have you noticed that the mum is never around in all these movies; she's all that - the mum's dead, ten things I hate about you- the mum left, to all the boys I loved before- dead, kissing booth- also dead, Sydney White- her mums dead too, Wild Child- now this one will come as a shock but guess what the mum died. Like come on Could they be just a little more original."  I rant without meaning to.

All I'm saying is I'd like something a little less predictable and a little more original. We're only half way through this movie and I already know that she's going to find out about he bet but forgive him anyway and they will live happily ever after, the end.

" I figured you'd find it relatable, you know not having your mum around and all that." He noted and even though I couldn't see him I could tell he was hesitant about his stat,net as if he knew he was walking into a territory that no one else dared to.

It's funny how everyone thinks mentioning my mum is a trigger warning. I obviously have a mum I'm not going to forget that and yeah it hurt like crazy when she left but there are those few moments when I was very young that I remember and will always have those at least.

"It's nothing like the way the movies make it out. Majority of the time I'm too distracted by everything else going on that I don't think about it much but then there are those moments when I think about how in the years I needed her most she wasn't there, or the fact that Kasper has grown up without a mother and that makes me angry. Or there are those moments when I'm out and I see mothers with their daughters and I can't help but get  jealous because I'll never know what that is like. But the worst part is knowing that the one person who is supposed to be there for you isn't and it hurts because if your own parents don't even love you than who will?" I didn't mean to ramble but once I stop talking and notice the silence only do I realise what I had just said.

The silence that has filled the room causing the nerves in my stomach to grow as I panic making me wish I hadn't said anything. I'm not the type of person to usually say anything so why did I tell Jakob all of this stuff now? Worst of all was that I hadn't realised I had felt this way until just now.

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