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"Guess who?"

Someone says from behind me covering up my eyes causing me to mentally roll my eyes since my eyes were covered.

"Is it Santa?" I wonder causing Tia, one of my dads friends daughters, to let out a chores of giggles.

"No it's Jakob!" She corrects me causing me to smile at her innocence. I hope the world doesn't destroy it.

Jakob removes his hands from my eyes allowing me to see the pigtailed blue eyed five year old girl again, and moves to sit beside me on the picnic bench.

It was a warm Saturday so Mrs Denton had suggested that we go to a park and have a barbecue which sounded like a good idea to everyone. I had to admit if this idea had poped up a few months ago I would have been dreading the whole thing but now I get to spend the day with Jakob so I don't really mind.

It's amazing how much more you start enjoying everything when you stop looking at the bad side of life. Yes bad shit happens sometimes and there is nothing you can do to stop it but good stuff happens too, even the small stuff counts. If anything the small things can't more because they are blessings in disguise.

"What are you two doing?" He asked looking at the barbie dolls we had seated on the table in front of us.

"Naz is teaching me how to braid, see."

Tia held up her barbie doll so Jakob could get a better look at what she had accomplished. I have to say for a five year old the girl is talented, I didn't learn to braid until I was fourteen and until now I have trouble braiding my own hair.

Jakob watches in silence as I finish braiding the dolls hair.

"That looks so easy." Jakob drones most likely board as he rests his head on my shoulder.

I'm about to tell him to go play with Kasper and Liam if he's so bored but something tells me that he won't.

"It's not easy for boys to do." Tia taunts in a matter of a fact causing Jakob's head to jolt up and his mouth to gape open in offence.

I wish I could say that he was joking and just messing around with Tia for her sake but he's not, he is dead serious right now. He is such a child sometimes it's actually humours.

"I bet I could do it." He fights back. "Come on show me." He tells Tia.

They decided that I will be their model because she doesn't want Jakob ruining her precious barbie dolls hair. I attempt to fight back saying I don't want Jakob to ruin my hair either but the both hush me up as Tia parts my hair in two.

As Tia shows Jakob I can't help but whine at the pain when he pulls my hair too tight, he apologies and yet continues to do it. Tia must go over and over it again but Jakob just keeps asking questions and somehow messing up and having to restart.

"What is wrong with you! It's so easy! I give up!" Tia cries out in frustration.

I have to bring my hand up to my mouth to muffle the laugh that comes out. From the corner of my eye I catch Tia storming away to go and play with Kasper and Liam which is probably for her own good.

Is it just me or is it ten times more adorable when little sweet kids lose their temper?

Are they aware that even when they yell they are still completely adorable and not the slightest bit intimidating?

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