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Three updates this week!

Warning: kinda smut but not full blown smut at the start of this part so if you don't like that just skip til about hallway down.


I couldn't help but let out a small sigh as Jakob's lips moved against my neck. For a virgin Jakob knew just what to do with his mouth from what I had seen so far.

The panic in the pit of my stomach that at any second anyone of our families members could walk in seemed to be out weighed by Jakob's lips on my neck.

After dinner we had told our parents that we were going upstairs because Jakob needed my help with a paper which had started out true until we had gotten distracted and before I knew it I was hovering over Jakob our lips connected and his hands roaming my body over my school dress for the first time ever. They always stayed firmly placed on my waist but not tonight. Something about tonight was different.

Jakob had even taken charge and flipped us over so he was on top. Usually I was the one taking charge in our make out session but like I said, tonight was different.

There was no way I planned on going all the way with Jakob right now but if he kept his actions up I wasn't sure I would be able to contain myself.

Just kissing Jakob was enough to ignite my whole body on fire. Imagine what adding his hands and lips roaming had done.

His hands moved cautiously yet with purpose, all he was doing was moving them up and down my bare thighs that were on full display thanks to the fact that my school dress was riled up around my waist, even the bike shorts I usually wear under my dress had riled up enough to leave very little to the imagination.

But I couldn't care less.

I was only focused on Jakob right now and the things that I so desperately wanted to do with him if only our little brothers and parents weren't down stairs.

The thing that annoyed me most was the fact that I had done this before with other guys and never felt the way I feel right now. All the countless times with Adam piled up together never amounted to the way Jakob is making me feel right now, and we have barley done anything yet.

It's the emotional connection and that is what scares me most because I know it's there. No matter how much I try to deny it or run from it the fact remains that it is their brewing deep beneath my skin preparing to start a storm.

His hands moved from my butt up my waist to the zip of my dress. He moved his lips away from my neck as he looked down at me.

"Can I?" He questions slinky unsure causing me to roll my eyes and give a dry chuckle.

"Yes Jakob." With that I cup his face with my hands and bring his lips back to mine kissing him forcefully and eagerly as if I could never get enough of him, right now I don't think I ever could.

I push my body up off of the mattress and against his body to give him the chance to unzip my dress which he does easily and before I know it I'm tossing my dress to the side of his room not caring where it lands.

I'm left in nothing but my bra and bike shorts as Jakob's eyes rake up and down my almost bare body. This is the first time he's ever had a girl close to naked in his bed and I feel somewhat flattered by the fact that I'm the first. I'm someone's first something, aren't firsts always the most memorable. Then again I was drunk and can't remember my first time so maybe not.

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