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To make sure that I get the best out of my grounding my father has ensured that I don't  see Nella before or after school meaning that I have to leave earlier to walk Kasper to school and make sure I still get to school in time. Waking up earlier was bad enough but having to walk the distance to Kasper's school and then my school was unfair.

Kasper being well aware of my moody ass this weekend was smart enough not to say anything as I walked him to school. I kept my earphones in and the hood to my jumper over my head wanting nothing more than to block the world out. He waved me goodbye and thanked me once I had dropped him off but that had been it. I still needed to thank him for saving my ass but I had spent majority of Saturday and all of Sunday in my bed with the blinds closed unless my dad had chores for me to do. At the rate I'm going at I will pay Jakob back when I am fifty. The best part is I am paying Jakob for absolutely nothing.

I make it through the school gate just as the homeroom bell rings. I don't care if I'm late to home room it's better than being late for an actual class.

When I slam myself in the empty seat next to Nella that is known to be mine, Nella sends me a quizzical glance with raised eyebrows and wide eyes as if taken back by my abruptness. I turn the volume down on my earphones just enough to see if Nella is going to say something.

"Someone clearly forgot to have a coffee this morning." She mumbles under her breath as she turns her attention back to her phone. Her comment ticks me off causing me to bite down on my tongue hard to stop snapping at her in front of every one. She should understand why I'm moody considering I to her about my dad grounding me and forcing me to walk to school, but that's Nella too selfish to care about anyone but her self. She was probably happy she didn't have to come pick me up, more time spent on her lipstick.

Making an effort to huff out loudly letting her know that her comment hasn't sunk in well, I turn up the volume of my music. Unfortunately I had to take my hood off but thankfully my hair hides my earphones. Having dark, thick, messy hair has its perks sometimes.

Once homeroom is finished I don't bother moving. My next class is in this classroom so I stay right where I am keeping my head down low avoiding getting anyone's attention. Some people honestly can't read body language and then they wonder why you are being bitchy towards them.

As soon as Nella stands up I slam my backpack on her chair making sure no one sits there. She rolls her eyes at my abrupt action and walks away causing me to roll my eyes in response. Her 'I think I'm better than everyone else' attitude pisses me off on a good day, right now she is the last person I want to deal with.

My classmates slowly begin to flood the classroom but thankfully everyone gets the picture that I don't want to be approached, besides very few chose ancient history over modern history as an elective so my class has only eleven students in it, majority of them are the nerds who sit at the front eager to swallow everything the teacher throws at them.

Thankfully our history teacher, Mr Nolan, is taking forever to show up. It has been ten minutes that I am thankful have been wasted doing absolutely nothing. But when he walks in he is followed by at least thirteen other students.

"Good Morning class." He greets as he makes his way to the front of the room. The class responds reluctantly in unison but he doesn't seem to take notice in how depressing it sounded.

I let my head fall to the desk with a loud thud not planning on paying any attention in this class. I will just text someone tonight asking them to forward me all the work. It's what I do for practically every class, sometimes I ever manage to convince others to do my work for me or let me copy their's. Anyone will give you what you want if you ask with a sickly sweet smile.

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