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The sun beating down while I still felt so miserable was not fitting in anyway. What the hell happened to winter or any other season? Why is the sun out when it's not summer, that should be illegal. And people want to say that global warming isn't a thing.

Last night Jakob had told me, or practically forced me,to come stay at his place where I was met with a very concerned Mrs Denton who clearly had a lot of questions but stopped herself from asking. I was curious to know what she thought of the situation, did she think I was over exaggerating? Would she be friends wi my mum again? But I was too scared to ask in case her answer wasn't something I would want to hear.

As she fixed me up my first proper meal in a week she had called my parents who had no idea I was even gone which wasn't surprising to me. A voice in my head said they were probably secretly wishing I died in my room but I shut it up before I could dwell on the thought.

It felt weird being fussed over, not just because I had locked myself in my room for the past few days without any human contact but because I can't remember the last time someone really fussed over me the way Mrs Denton was right now.

She had even handed me a clean towel and some fresh clothes that belonged to Jakob before ushering me into the shower and when I came out Jakob's room had been cleaned up and Jakob was set to sleep next to Liam. I felt guilty for the fact that I was such a burden and had pretty much kicked Jakob out of his bedroom but he reassured me that everything was okay.

I guess Mrs Denton really meant it when she said she was always here for me before I got out of the car on Saturday.

When it came to time for leaving for work in the morning she had been rather hesitant to leave Jakob and I home alone, I can't exactly say that I blame her, but I think the fact that we had slept under the same roof last night without having done anything put her at ease.

Jakob had suggested we just Netflix something and binge eat until we felt like we would explode but I told him I was sick of being in doors so now we were walking aimlessly through the streets in silence. It was a nice silence not like the one I had been drowning in during the past few days, this was comfortable and not as lonely.

Jakob and I were simply walking side by side, our arms sometimes touching but we didn't hold hands. I don't know why but it just didn't feel right to hold hands right now, the same way it didn't feel right to talk. It was as if everything was finally settling, or maybe it was the calm before the storm. Either way I was set on enjoying this moment and not thinking about what had happened or what was to come. I had realised I was completely out of control in this situation and no matter what I said or did nothing would change that.

I guess sometimes our life isn't in our hands and we need to learn to be okay with that otherwise we will find ourselves in a dangerous state of mind that isn't worth it. I will not let my mum destroy me yet again, she put me through torture by not being around for so long and now that I've finally grown on my own and come to terms with it she has decided to come back.

"Did we plan on coming here?" Jakob quizzes causing me to look up from the footpath that I was so focused on I hadn't taken in any of our surroundings or realised where we were.

Looking up for a moment I'm confused until I finally take in where we had wondered off to. I can't help but smile at the park we had ended up in that our parents had walked us to whenever we got to restless in the Denton house. The last time I had come here was with Jakob a couple of months ago in the middle of the night. It's amazing how much the lighting of day can change a scene completely.

I don't know why but I preferred the night setting over the day setting. Even though under the light of the sun the bright flower patches were in full bloom and the green grass looked almost fake due to its colour that seemed to match so well with the bright blue sky. But at night everything was dark and mysterious, you could not see more than the street lamps allowed you to see and more importantly no one could see you, you could hide away in the darkness and feel free all at the same time.

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