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Staring at the ceiling in the dark I can't help but let out a sigh. All I can think about is this stupid dare. I haven't slept at all and it's already four am and I have school in four hours.

Jakob hasn't texted me or anything since our date and I don't know if that is a good thing or bad thing. Reaching for my phone on the night stand I open my messages and send Nella a text asking her if she is up. Waiting for a response I realize how alone I am.

If I lose Nella I will lose the only person I actually have and that scares me. It's not that I'm afraid of losing Nella, I'm afraid of being alone.

It's funny considering that I spend most of my time alone and if I had the choice I would gladly choose being alone over being in a room full of people but it's the thought of knowing that I wouldn't have anyone to be there for me, to turn to when things get hard.

I guess there is a difference between being alone and being lonely.

Giving up on sleep all together I get out of bed pulling on a pair of leggings, jumper, and a pair of converse, I grab my ear phones and phone before sneaking out my window. I could have used the front door because my dads a deep sleeper, especially after a long and late shift, but my window is closer.

The street is of course empty and quite like it usually is at this hour. I mean I can't say I didn't expect it, most normal people are asleep at this time of night. My old skate board is sitting in the front yard still untouched after all these years but Kasper is trying to figure out how to ride it. Maybe I should offer to teach him.

For a moment longer than I should have I stared at it longingly almost reaching for it but I instantly push the thought aside before shoving my earphones into my ear and pacing down the street playing my spotify playlist for this month.

Not really sure what I plan on doing or were I plan on going I just continue to walk. Checking my messages again I feel disappointment when I realize that Nella isn't going to respond because she is fast asleep.

Before I knew it I was walking down a path I recognized and though I shouldn't be walking this way I can't seem to stop myself.

They say that if you have a song stuck in your head you should listen to said song and it will go away, can that be used on people? If you are thinking of someone you should not be thinking of and you go and see them will you stop thinking about them?

Well it looks like I'm about to find out.

I feel hopelessly out of place along with discomfort as I stand outside of the Denton house.

What am I even doing here?

Everyone is no doubt asleep. Looking along the grass I find a few rocks and smile to myself. Of course I remember which window belongs to Jakob's room, the countless amount of times we would climb out of it and onto the roof when we we're little and the amount of trouble we would be in after that.

Aiming at the window I take a few practice swings before throwing the rock watching it fly in the air towards my target.

My eyes widen as the rock hits the window causing it to smash.

"Shit!" I yell as I look up at the window in hopes that it would somehow repair its self magically.

Why don't the movies ever show something like that happening? The guy always skillfully manages the swoon the girl by throwing rocks at her widow.

"What the fuck!" I hear someone curse and I immediately feel bad.

A dim light switches on in the room that I was aiming at and soon a figure comes towards the window to examine the damage. 

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