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Less than 24 hours later and already posting another update! So please vote and comment it would really mean a lot to me.


Tonight was one of those rare nights that my dad actually had a night off. I always felt bad about leaving him to sit alone, although I love my alone time it sounds depressing to me.

We are supposedly watching a movie together in the lounge room but it seems the movie was more background noise than main focus. My dad was working on his laptop dealing with bills and all that while I replay what Mrs Denton had said to me yesterday out of my head.

All night last night I couldn't sleep because my mind kept racing making it impossible to rest. Today I had spent the day researching courses and pathways hoping to find something that interested me but at this point I don't know.

I don't want some stupid nine to five office job but it seems that there aren't any other options. It's like this world is designed for everyone to feel stuck and miserable. If I don't study and get a job I won't be able to survive and support myself and if I can't support myself how will I one day have a family. It's unfair. I know that I'm thinking too far ahead but I have to think of this stuff now so I know what to do.

My gaze moves from the tv to my dad seated on the other side of the lounge. Now that I think of it I realise that my dad wasn't always my dad, there was a time before I came along where he was young and in the same position I'm in now. I highly doubt at my age he planned to work nights shifts at an airport as a security guard.

"Hey dad." I speak up in hopes of getting his attention. His head tilts to the side, his gaze shifting from his laptop to me letting me know I can continue. "What did you want to do when you finished high school."

He lets out a long sigh as if he expected this conversation before closing the lid of his laptop and turning down the volume of the tv.

"I was wondering when you were going to bring this subject up." He answers.

"Well with only three months left of high school I don't really have much of a choice." I huff. Some people are already applying to colleges and universities and I'm still playing the rebellious teen and helping Nella get her third grade revenge.

"You haven't spoken much about what you want to do yet." I know he's looking at me but I refuse to meet his gaze feeling shame rush through me. Does this make me a let down?

"Because I don't know." I mumble.

The room falls silent for a moment and with every second that passes the nerves in my stomach grow and grow. I bite down on my bottom lip in hopes of distracting myself in some way.

"When I was your age I wanted to be a pilot." My head shoots up at this sudden revelation.

My dad wanted to be a pilot?

I just didn't expect that, I mean pilots seem so chill and my dad is kind of intense - just incase it wasn't obvious where I get my personality from its my dad- I always pictured him as someone wanting to be a lawyer or a doctor, you know the serious jobs.

But a pilot is cool. I never pictured my dad having a cool job.

At my surprise my dad gives a small chuckle before continuing.

"Was it really that hard to believe?" He questions but I don't respond which I guess is a response enough as it is. "I almost became one to."

Baby boy ✔️Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora