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It wasn't Mrs Denton's fault, that I already know, she was stuck between a rock and a hard place when my parents had told her to bring me home. She had been do at war with her conscience because she didn't want to send me home yet my parents had expected her to. I made it easier on her and told her that it was time I confronted life which earned me a grateful look from Mrs Denton because I saved her from having to choose.

That was why I was choosing to go to school today. If I was going to be trapped under this roof for the next two days I might as well get as much freedom as possible.

Thankfully Jakob hadn't told Mrs Denton about the fact that I sneak out late every night so now my parents don't know and what they don't know won't kill them and I can still go about my routine.

Since I'm still not talking to Nella I have to walk to school meaning I have to leave earlier. At least the witch, I mean my mother, is doing one thing productive and is dropping my brother off at school. Apparently my dad is doing all the cooking a cleaning which makes me laugh because when she wasn't hear I had to do all that but now she's here he does it all?

My goal is to make it out of the house as quietly as possible so I don't have to face anyone. But my plan fails when a door in the hallway swings open causing me to holt in my possession.

"Naz?" Kasper questions his voice so small and fragile. I wonder how he is taking all of this, is he happy to finally have his mum back or is it weird for him because after all she is a complete stranger to him?

"Hey Kas how you holding up?" I whisper making my way towards him. I suppose I have failed severely as being an older sister these past few days. I haven't once checked in on him being too consumed with myself.

"Naz are you going to leave?" My eyes widen at Kasper's question. Where on earth did he come up with an assumption like that. I can just about imagine actually.

"No Kas, right now I'm not going anywhere. Well technically I'm going to school but I'm always going to come back for you, understood?" He nods his head in response and I pull him in for a hug before pressing a kiss to the top of his head and making to leave.


Coming to school had been a bad idea, when is school ever a good idea let alone on a bad day. I had managed to not speak to a single person other than Jakob today but sitting in classes was intolerable and the next person to walk slowly in front of me was no going to survive the rest of the day that was for sure.

If it wasn't for the fact that I was going through a midlife crisis I would confess to having serious anger issues and force myself to see a specialist but given the circumstances I will excuse myself.

"Naz." Someone calls behind me causing me to roll my eyes. What the hell could Nella possibly want?

We hadn't spoken since I went on my bitch rampage which feels like a lifetime ago after everything that has happened this week. The last thing I expected was for her to call after me in the hallway in between classes. Knowing Nella this couldn't be good, she was most likely coming back for her revenge right now which I would be lying if I didn't say it scared me.

Ignoring her I kept walking in a hurry. I've witnessed Nella time and time again go for revenge and I know that it's not pretty, the fact that I'm her best friend means it will most likely won't be pretty. It sucks if someone betrays you but when your best friend betrays you that takes it to a whole new level.

"Naz wait!" She almost sounds desperate. This has to be a part of her revenge plan, she's forgetting I know her better than anyone meaning I know how she works.

I keep walking down the hallway refusing to look back at her. After the week I had I really didn't need whatever Nella had planned right now. I felt as if I was a steel wall hanging by a thread that was obviously going to snap at any moment, I didn't need that moment to be right now.

I though I could handle this whole standing up for myself and doing right but right now I wanted nothing more to cower away in a corner, fall to the ground, and cry.

I'm a follower, not a leader, and I always have been. Ever since I was little I've always followed others and never chosen my own path. It started with Jakob, I liked all the things he liked so we could have everything in common. When Nella came along it was no different. If she told me to jump I wouldn't ask how high I would just jump.

"Naz!" She had caught my wrist allowing her to pull me back.

My heart was going insane in my chest like a broken clock gone mad and my stomach was turning like a Ferris wheel only a billion times faster. This was not good.

"What?" I wasn't going to show her I was scared. I would not let Nella know what I felt right now. I kept my features as stone cold as possible leaving no room for her to see through me. It was surprisingly easy, just bringing the Naz before Jakob and this stupid dare back.

"Vee is going to tell Jakob about the dare." My whole body went completely still, even my breath in my throat had hitched and didn't dare come out.

Vee was going to what? The one rule we made was that no one ever found out, especially not Jakob. I mustn't have heard her right.

"What?" I quiz hoping for the life of me that I had developed some new disease where I hear things wrong and that Nella hadn't just said that.

"As revenge, Vee is going to tell Jakob about the dare." Nella elaborated causing alarm bells to go off in my head.

Since when was Vee the one who craves revenge or justice?

Why would she go and tell Jakob, as far as they are concerned this is just a dare to me?

And the most important question, why is Nella telling me this?

"Was it you're idea?" I challenged. I wouldn't put it past Nella to have come up with this evil plan all on her own to get me to trust her only so she could backstab me in the end. It was obvious to me that she was playing a part and might I add very well, this is the best I have ever seen her preform

"Naz why the hell would I do that, you're my best friend?" She blurted out her eyes pleading with me for some unknown reason. What was she playing at, using the best friend card on me.

"Don't act like a saint now Nella, you're forgetting I know you which means your bullshit act doesn't work on me." I snapped in reminder.

I want going to be played a fool. Not right now while I was more of a mess than usual. She wasn't going to get to me that easily.

"Naz don't say that you're my best friend." She whimpers as if I truly have offended her.

For a moment I actually feel my heart tighten and want nothing more than to wrap my arms around her and cry into her shoulder but I stop myself. That is pathetic and hopeful wishing that will never come true.

"For the record I didn't know you felt that way." She whispered and I instantly know that she is referring to what I had said over the weekend when I had confronted her.

With that she walks away, her head hanging low in defeat. She is probably upset her plan backfired severely and will now go and pout about it to anyone who will give her sympathy because I'm not there to do it.


What do you think? Is Nella bluffing? Would you trust her? 

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