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I don't know if it was just today or if I had never noticed it before but the walls in the class room seemed to be caving in slowly making it hard to focus let alone breath.

Tori, who was sitting next to me blabbing on about how irritating Nella was to be around yesterday wasn't making it any better.

Yesterday we had spent the day with Nella who had come up with her masterplan of getting back at Candice.  Nella had decided that the best way to do that was simply one up her. She had called her cousin Diana who used to take dance with Nella and I, before Nella decided that she didn't want to dance anymore and we quit, and spent the day attempting to teach Tori and Vee who had never danced a day in their life. It's safe to say that pissed was an understatement of Nella's mood.

"Did she say anything to you?" Tori presses an eager look on her face making me roll my eyes. I know what she's trying to do, she wants to see if I'm going to start talking badly about Nella so she has something new to gossip about.

I hate this.

I hate that I have to sit and call her my friend when I don't even like her and I know that if it weren't for Nella's popular status and my closeness to her Tori wouldn't even want to be my friend.

Sure Nella may be hard to deal with sometimes but so am I which is why we understand each other so well. While the rest of the world may hate us we love each other even when the other becomes testing.

What Tori doesn't know is the meaning of loyalty which is what the base of a friendship should be. Nella and I would never throw each other under the bus because we know we would feel alone without each other. That is why I distance myself from everyone else.

In one swift move, I realise that I can't bare the thought of another second in this room, and push myself out of my seat the loud scrap of my chair against the lamina floor causes all eyes on me but at this point I don't care. I don't even care if I get expelled.

Right now I feel liked my mind is a mess and this classroom isn't helping. I don't care about my belongings, they are only my school books and pencil case nothing important, I just walk out of the classroom. Mr Evans  is shouting after me telling me to sit down but I ignore him as I keep walking. I'm not going back for my bag I'm just getting out of here.

As I leave the school gates I don't know where I'm going I just keep walking but then I feel like I'm not getting away fast enough so I break out into a run yet even that is not enough and I sprint as fast as I can pushing myself to the point where everything around me seems like a blur.

I don't know what I'm running from; school, my friends, my family? But then I figure it out. As I keep pushing myself I realise that I'm trying to run away from myself. Every single problem in my life leads back to me. It all me. If I run fast enough maybe I can escape myself and become something entirely different and far away.

It doesn't happen. Instead I come to a stop when I'm positive that there is nothing else I can do. Hunched over and trying to regain my breath, ignoring the uncomfortable feeling of the sweat and heat that has taken over my body, I take in my surroundings.

For a moment I have absolutely no idea where I am but as I look up the road of the slight hill where an old block of apartment and houses sat.

In the seventh grade when Nella and I wanted to skip school but couldn't get far because neither of us had a car or knew how to drive we walked here. There was an old run down apartment building only seven stories high but due to the fact that it was at the top of the hill it made up for the height. Nella and I had found a ladder by the side of the building and even though it was rusty and old we managed to climb it safely to the roof top where we would sit close to the edge and look out at the view while we talked.

Baby boy ✔️Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin