Chapter 5

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Liza's POV;

I won't up to a shake . It was dark in the room so I couldn't see anything . I instantly though it was an earth quake so I quickly popped up and tried to hind under something sturdy. Then I saw a flash of light . I was David . I put my hand in front of my face to block the light ." Babe get up " David said " Why babe I'm tired ?"  I said looking up the clock  it was 3:30 in the morning " what's going on David " I asked , I was so confused since I had just woken up . " where going to Vernon Hills " he said . I had a confused look on my face . " come one babe .. my parents are expecting us "  I got up and checked my outfit . Since it was a 6 hour plane flights I decided to wear some blackish grey Capri yoga pants with a white shirt that said " FLAWLESS" on it . I looked around being confused , lost , and sleepy . " David what about my clothes ?" I asked them witch he smiled " babe I packed your bag for you . Now pact a carry on bag and lets go . " I quickly grabbed my little book bag and put the basic stuff in their . My phone charger , headphones , a blanket for me and share with David , and a couple of pony tell holders. I grabbed my vlog camera and put it in my bag . I followed David as we walked out of our room and into the kitchen . I grabbed a water from the fridge and some Pringles I found in the pantry and we left .

When we got tot he air port and went there security we had to find our gate . I was walking beside David when I saw a Starbucks . We had time so we got in like . I wasn't really hungry so I looking at the drinks . " I'm thinking about an ice coffee " I say to David  as he's looking at the menu . As he's looking at the menu he says " no babe coffee is bad for the baby " I looked up and smiled . I didn't even know that coffee was bad for the baby and he did ? I wonder how " thanks babe" I say . I ordered and Ice tea and so did David . I was shocked he usually gets a coffee . " why didn't you get a coffee?" I asked
" well if you can have one then I can't have one " he says " we're in this together " I smiled and hugged him . After we got our teas we headed for our gate and boarded . The plane was kinda empty . We had our seats in the back . David let me sit by the window because he knows I love to see the view . By now it's about 4:45 and the plane is about to take off .
Vernon Hills here we come .

//// Ik it's really short but I do have school so I'm going to start to try to write them earlier so they can be longer ////

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