Chapter 27

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David's POV;

The next morning we had to wake up really early . Check out was at 9 so we woke up at 7:30 . In our room only Scott ,Ella,Tommy and I were awake . And Liza and Kristen were still asleep . So we decided to prank them . We first decided to do it with Liza . I got a small cup of water and I grabbed Tommy and laid him in Liza and then poured the water ." Liza ,Liza I think Tommy peed on you!" I say quit loud . She then pops up and looks at Tommy and she picks him up . She then looks down at the white blanket . " David the blankets not yellow ..." she then says . Me and Scotty started to laugh . " wow David really mature " she says . She then got up and got ready . She walked out of the bathroom wearing some ripped jeans and a black tank top . She had her hair down, her brown wavy curls were beautiful . I swear her hair looked like it grew longer. I then walked up to her " you look beautiful babe" I say " aww thanks " she says and she gets on her tip-toes to kiss me . She then grabbed Tommy and changed his diaper . Scott has changed his mind about prancing Kristen because she woke up after Liza realized that it was a prank . We grabbed all our bags and went down stairs . As we got off the elevator we saw fans running up to us " omg Scott, Kristen ,David , Liza !!" One boy says " we are huge fan , if your not in a hurry can we get a picture " the little girl asked . She looked to he 12 . " of course " Liza says . As we gathered near each other for a group picture . " thank you " the kids and their mother said " no problem" me and Scott said . We walked out of the hotel and to the charter bus that was waiting outside . Everyone was loading up the bus and some started the board ." We will have to get breakfast on the road " Jason says " why ?" Scott said " traffic back to LA is bad " Paige says . We all then got on the bus .
We had been on the road for about 30 minutes " guys we have something to say " Josh says and he is standing up while holding Victoria in his arm .
" I'm pregnant !" Paige then said . We all got happy and congratulated her .
" Bella and Heath are engaged and Josh and Paige is pregnant what else better is their ?" Jason asks as a joke which we all laughed . " Jason are you mad because he is engaged ?" Zane asked . We all laughed to that too .
It had been a couple of hours , everyone was tired. I decided to sit beside Liza so she could lean on my shoulder as she slept.

( 5 hours later )

Liza's POV;

It's about 1:15 when we get back to LA . We all go to the place were we parked our car and we get all our stuff off the charter bus . Jason helped me out Tommy's car seat into the car while David got the bags . I then placed Tommy into his car seat and buckled him up . I said by the everyone and we left . I then called my mom

( The call)

LM; Hey Elizabeth
Liza ; Hey mom ( Liza's mom kinda likes the nickname Liza but usually calls her Elizabeth )
LM; Are you back in LA safe ?
Liza ; Yeah me ,David , and Tommy are almost home .
LM; okay that's good , your probably tired so I'll let y'all rest
Liza; Okay mom love you
LM; Love you too bye

David's POV ;

We then got home I brought in Liza's and mine bag and she got Tommy's bag and her little book bag .
We the. Walked in the house " ugh home sweet home " Liza then says which I laughed . " I'm going to put Tommy down into his crib " Liza says
I then take our suit cases into the laundry room until later where we would do them . I then walk into our room and see Liza getting undressed. She put on some black shorts and she threw on a grey and pink tank top . I then put on some black shorts and I kept my black shirt on . Liza then put her phone on charge and crawled into bed . I could tell she as tired . I then laid in bed with her and started to think about what I was thinking in the way to Vegas . About how I didn't  know that  needed that blanket or her would not sleep . I didn't know if I should tell her or not . I just laid their and soon dozed off .

//// Hey guys sorry this chapter is so short . I literally have school in the morning. I just wanted to let y'all know that I'm this chapter David's birthday will be tomorrow like the next chapter will continue this day and the chapter after that will be David's birthday . ////

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