Chapter 33

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Liza's POV;

Today was Heath and Bella's baby shower for the twins and today we would get to find out their names ! Me and David had gotten them some blankets in the colors they were talking about . Today I put on a dark green dress with some black sandals . I then put my hair into a bun and I went to get Tommy dressed . I put him in a white shirt that said " A stud just like daddy " in black . And some blue shorts . I put him on some little shoes , I grabbed the diaper bag and we all left .

When we got their is saw Gabbie first . " hey little brown girl " she said " how's my god son ?" I smiled " he's good " I said as I handed him to her . We then walked inside to see everyone . Jason came and gave me a hug " Hey Liza " he said softly " hey Jason " I said . I then noticed Wyatt and Charley talking to Corinna and Dom ." I thought Marney had the kids this weekend ?" I asked " She has another business meeting in Japan " Jason says . Then soon the baby shower started . We first started to eat and then play some games . All of the guys played a game to see who can put a diaper on the baby quicker . Every Girl was laughing . Kristen was recording Scott and everyone else on his vlog camera . Then it came to the time to find out their names ." Is everyone ready to find out the twins names ? " Bella asked and of course everyone said yes . " Okay since H is in front of I and I is right after it we decided we would keep it in a row " Bella then said " so here's their names "
" first it's my son Jacob Alexander " Heath said " and my mini me Kimberly Mae " everyone complimented them about their names , they were honestly beautiful.

David POV ;

We had left the baby shower and went home . Liza had put Tommy down for a nap and then came into the living room and sat beside me . I then decided to call Josh because him, Paige , and Victoria left to go to Paige's hometown of Colorado to have their baby in February .

( The call )

David ; Hey josh
Josh ; hey man
David ; so how Bryce ?( their 2 month old son)
Josh ; he's good Paige just put him down for a nap .
David ; oh and when are you guys coming back to LA?
Josh ; maybe a week or less
David ; okay call me or text me later .
Josh ; alright by man
Tomorrow it's going to be Liza's 2nd day of filming her new Netflix original series called " Hidden underneath" She played a 17 year old girl name Molly Sane . ( ikr 24 year old Liza can play a 17 year old !)
So it would be just me and Tommy . Maybe we would surprise her on set or something . It was soon time for bed . I had went to check on Tommy and when I came back Liza was ready the script for the episode their are shooting tomorrow . I then took the paper out of her hand and placed it on the night stand beside her . She smiled and laid down . I turned off the lamp and laid beside her " I feel like I'm going to forget my lines " she said with a pout on her face " no your not " I told her . We then kissed and cuddled and fell asleep .

//// so if things were getting confusing I hoped I fixed them in this chapter with Josh and Paige and Heath and Bella . ////

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