Chapter 12

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Liza's POV;

I woke up pretty late it was about 12 I didn't realize how late it was until I checked my phone . I had missed called and texts from Gabbie . I quickly sat up in bed and opened the texts

(The text )
Gabbie ; Liza!
Gabbie; Liza why are you not answering your phone ?!
Gabbie ; Elizabeth !!!
Gabbie; Liza it's important
Liza ; Gabbie I was asleep what's going on?!
Gabbie ; Scotty and Kristen are in the hospital
Liza ; I'm on my way .

I quickly jumped up and ran to my closet . I threw on a Grey shirt and some pants . I grabbed a hat , my phone , bag , and keys and ran to my car . I jumped in and drove straight to the hospital .

When I got their I saw everyone was their . Gabbie , Corinna , Jason, Alex, Todd, Zane ,Heath, Bella ,Erin , Carly , and Dom . I walk up to them " Guys what's happening ?"  I say " Scott's in surgery " Jason said " and Kristen is in a coma " " what the hell happened " I said"  Corinna started to tear up and Dom had pulled her close to him . "
They where on the way to the doctor for their 25 week checkup and a car hit them " Gabbie says " The person who hit them was able to call 911 " my eyes were filled with tears . I had started to cry Liza pulled me into a hug " its okay Liza " right then and their A doctor came up to us with a clipboard in his hand . Everyone stood up " Kristen and her baby is okay " the doctor said I little relief went over me but I was still worried about Scott . " As for Scott he just got out of surgery . We will have to watch him over night just to make sure he can be stable to go home . " "when can we see them " I asked quickly as he got done talking . " For now only Kristen can see people . Four at a time " he said . So Gabbie,Zane , Jason and I decided to go in first . She was awake and crying a little I quickly rushed to her side and held her hand . " Scott?" She whispered she was barley able to talk . " he's okay Kristen and so are you and the baby " Gabbie said holding her other hand . The same doctor had walked in and told us that 1 . Scott's bed will be out into the same room as Kristen's and that 2. Both of their parents where on their way . Minutes later Scotty's bed was rolled into Kristen's room . He was awake " Scott" Kristen says . Holding her hand out to him his eyes widened "Kristin !" He said and he reached his hand out to her and holds it you can tell they both started crying . Me, Gabbie,Zane and Jason decided to leave and let everyone else visit with them quickly so they could rest . So as we were walking out of the hospital I asked " where's David ?" Zane's eyebrows lifted " I though he we with you ?" " no" I said stoping in the middle of the parking deck "He was going to be with y'all today !" I say scared as hell . I had one hand under my baby bump and the next on my hip . " it's okay Liza " Jason says " we will find out where David is I'll go to y'all house with you ". He says so Gabbie and Zane went to their apartment in Gabbie's care and Jason drove my car home with me . On the whole way home I was calling and texting David . No answer or nothing . I was literally scared . Like maybe he was somewhere with no signal or I don't know . When name and Jason got to the house we walked in and went to the kitchen I was thinking maybe he left me a note or something . On the fridge was a note from David in saying

Liza ,
Had to run to set last minute . I might be busy so don't stay up and don't worry if I don't call back
Love , David

I was relieved " Told you Liza he was okay " Jason tells me . Me and Jason left back out because Jason had Wyatt and Charley so I drove him to his apartment and I decided to go to Starbucks and get me and drink and a cake pop and go home . When I got their David's car was in the drive way . I was only gone 15 minutes so he must of just gotten here . I go inside and I walk into the office and he is sitting at his desk . I run up to him and hug him "hey babe it's only been about 6 hours since I have seen you this morning " he said jokingly . He then looked at my face and realized something was wrong . I told him everything and Scotty and Kristen he didn't get anyone's calls to text because his phone had died while on set  . He had went to go visit hen for about an hour and when we got back we just cuddled in the course . " Babe ?" I say " yeah ?" He says back " what baby names do you like ?" I ask him and he thinks for a moment " I like the name Asher " he says " me to " I say back I never heard of the name Asher before it seem unique " what names do you like ?" He asks me back " What about Thomas ?" I say He laughs " it sounds like a old mans name " David said  I laughed to " but babe what ever name you like I will love for our son " he then kissed my forehead . We started talking about names and while we were cuddling we fell asleep .

//// Woah was you guys scared and worried about Kristen and Scott?////

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