Chapter 32

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Liza's POV;

Today me and David had nothing planned so we decided to go to the dog park . When we got their Knox was playing with other dogs . While David was with him me and Tommy headed to the play ground . Their were a lot of parents their with their kids . I sat on the park bench as Tommy wondered off to the play set . " which ones yours ?" A lady who was sitting next to me said . " the one with the green and organs striped shirt on " I say pointing at Tommy . " I'm Alexandria " she said " I'm Elizabeth , but I'm called Liza " her eyes then widened ." Your Liza Koshy ? Well now Dobrik" she says . I replied with a yes . " my kids are in love with you and your videos ." She says ." My 15 year old Clarissa has been watching you since vine " she pointed to a girl pushing a little boy on the swings . " that's Clarissas 5 year old brother Ethan " " Cool I would love to meet her " I say with a huge smile , because I love to meet fans ." Yes she would love to meet you "  Just then David walked up to be while holding Knox leash . " She's going to freak out " Alexandria said as she walked off to the swings . I had went and grabbed Tommy and when I came back David had a confused look on his face " her 15 year old daughters a fan " I say " oh" he says . Her mom was recording her walking over to us with her eyes closed . " open in 3,2,1"  she then opened her eyes and her jaw dropped opened " ohhh myyy goossshh! " she yells . It's David and Liza !" She started to cry and we all hug . Even her little brother joined the hug . We all took a picture together and Alexandria thanked me . We then walked back to the car  and went home .

David's POV ;
Heath and Bella had gotten married in September last year literally 2 months after they got engaged . Heath and Bella were expecting a baby and they just found out the gender . They came over to the house to tell us the gender . They sat us down in the living room and Heath had started to record it on his camera . " okay so we are giving y'all each 2 cupcakes " Bella said " And what color it is inside will tell you the gender " Heath says . As Heath was recording us Tommy kept walking in and out of Fram . " are you guys ready ?" Bella asked and we nodded . We bit down into the cupcake and pulled back I immediately saw blue filling inside ." It's a girl ! " " it's a boy !"  We both Yelled at the same time . Then w broth realized we had two different colors " what the hell ?" I say while laughing . " no way ?!" Liza says " is it twins ?" She asked they both nodded we hugged them and congratulated them . " I'm usually the ones pranking everyone " I say and we all laughed . I was so happy for Heath and Bella they were having twins !

( later on that day around 3:15pm)

I ha four Tommy down for a nap about a hour ago and I went to check on him . Yep he was still asleep . I walked passed the office and I could hear Liza talking to someone . I peeped through the crack in the door and saw Liza dressed up as her character Jet !
I then decided to record her for Friday's vlog . We decided to have Jet react to Tommy . I recorded Tommy sleeping and then turned the camera to "Jet" his eyes widened and we walked out of the room weirdly . " So Jet what do you think about Tommy . " I then asked  . Jet then held one finger up to his mouth "what Jet ?" I then asked " he said he's coming " Jet said and I laughed quietly.

//// short chapter but the next one will be about Heath,Bella and the twins !////

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