Chapter 15

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Liza's POV;

This morning I had woke up around 10 . Mine and David's flight for Houston is at 3 so we want to be their around 2 or 2:20. I got up and started to pack my bag and let David sleep for a little while longer . Because last night after we got done painting our sons room he went to Heaths for a while . I was packing my bag when my phone dinged . I picked it up and saw that I had gotten a text from Corinna .
(The text )

Corinna ; Hey Liza ?
Liza ; Hey , what's up?
Corinna ; Have you seen Dom ?
Liza ; No I haven't since the other day why ?
Corinna ; Last night he didn't come home from The Guys hangout. Did David ?
Liza; Yea he's in bed right now .
I turned to the bed and I saw David sit up and wave at me which then I waved back . " hold  on let me ask him" I said to Corinna still on the phone with her . "Hey David did Dom go home last night?" "  I don't know " he said " I left before everyone else "  I then started talking back to Kristen .

( The rest of the call)

Liza; I'm sorry David left before everyone else . Maybe try and call Zane or Alex and ask them ?
Corinna ; Yeah okay thanks love you girl bye

I then got up and talked to the bed and sat desire David . " good morning baby " I  then said as I kissed him " Good morning " he then said " how's my wife and baby ?" " we are good but we would love some French toast " I said which then he laughed " French toast coming right up ." He got up and out of the bed and walked out of the room . I then continued packing my bag .I and then I set me out a outfit for the plane ride . I went into the bathroom and did my make up and put my makeup bag into the suit case . " Babe!" David yelled from the other room " Yes ?" I yelled back " foods ready " he hollered back . I then walked out of our room and into the kitchen where I saw David with his cooking hat and apron on . I tip toed back into our room , grabbed my phone and walked back into the kitchen taking a picture of him . He then smiled and said cheese . I then handed my a plate or French toast with cut up strawberries and a glass of milk. " thank you " I said smiling as I pored some syrup onto my plate . He then sat beside me at the counter and started to eat his plate . He also had his phone out and  was on snap chat . As I was eating heard little giggles and I turned to the left and saw David recording me eat " babe!" I said and he started to zoom into my face . He then posted it " I love the way you eat " he then said I laughed back . When we got done eating I helped David pack his bag . Recently since we got married he started wearing colored clothes . Like he might wear colored boxers , swimming trunks and other stuff . But he still wears a lot of black . So I was sitting on the bed with David's bag  in front of me . David was at the closet trying to pick witch close to being . "what about this ?" David said as he held up a plain black shirt " really David ?" I said turning my head to the right. He then laughed " at least 2 black shirts " he then said pouting his face with puppy eyes "oh fine " I said  he then  leaned to me and kissed me and handed me two black shirts . He walked  back over to the closet and looked for more clothes as I folded up the two black. He then turned to me holding up 1 pear of black pants and some blue jean pants and shirts which I agreed with . I then folded those up and he started to pick some clothes out for him to sleep with . Me and David decided that when we get to Houston we will go Christmas shopping for my family then . " Who all is going to be their ?" David asked " well my parents , my grandma ,my aunt ,uncle and cousins . " " oh" he said scratching his head . We then started to get ready . I put on my clothes I had picked out earlier . A grey long sleeve shirt with some black pants and some Ugg's . Then I done my hair and walked back into mine and David's room . I see David wearing some black pants and a shirt sleeve blue shirt on that said " Send it " which I still didn't under stand it . It was Heaths merch from his tattoo . Then he had a tan-ish jacket in his hand . ( I know what your thinking why are they dressing like it's 49 degrees out . Well in Houston it's cold so they are getting ready for it .) We grabbed our bags and as I struggled to carry mines outside David came and lifted mines up and carried it ." Thanks " I say as he replies with a "your welcome" we got in the car and left . It was 2:00 and we were stuck in traffic . We then got to the airport and it was 2:30 . I was so worried we would miss our flight . We hurried and rushed through security and David's bag had to be checked because of his vlog camera stuff . When we got to our gate everyone was still seated and the people who check your tickets were looking at the computer . " what's up?" I asked David . He then walked over to the lady by the gate and asked her what was going on ." Oh if you just got here I'm sorry your flight to Houston has been delayed " I then sighed and David came back to me . " you heard ?" He asked " yep" I replied . We then found a seat right kinda to ourselves and sat . I was not in the mood for all of this . I was ready to get on the flight to Houston to see my family . We literally have 8 days until Christmas we just wanted to spend time with our family . Then a man came over then intercom " attention everyone who's on  flight  210 to Houston the flight will leave here at 8:45 I'm sorry for the delay folks " I could hear everyone sigh . It was almost 4 a clock . I'm pregnant and tired and my feet were killing me . " chill babe " David said " just get on your phone or something " I smiled and decided to take a nap . I rested my head on David's shoulder and doze of into sleep .

David's POV;

It had been almost 3 hours and mine and Liza's flight to Houston will leave soon . We'll be here soon should I say . This whole time Liza had been quiet and I just realized it . I looked over to my left to see Liza on my should asleep . I didn't realize it until now . She then turned over to where her head was no loner on my shoulder . I decided to leave and go get something for her before the plane left . Right beside me was a elderly lady and her what looked like her grand kids sitting down waiting for the plane for Houston "  excuse me miss " I said the lady turned and faced me " hi my name is David and this is my wife Liza she pregnant and I want to get something for her before she wakes up for the flight will you watch her and make sure no one messes with her ?" I asked " yess of course David I will" she then said . I thanked the lady and ran off to find something . As I was running I saw a Starbucks . It was empty to I went ahead and ordered on of Liza favorite things . As I was walking back to were me and Liza were waiting I saw a store that looked like a gift shop . I was surprised I didn't see if before . I walked in and looked around . Something cough my eye . It was a cute  little bear dressed up as if it was ready to go outside and play in the snow . I grabbed it and bought it . I walked back to were we were sitting and thanked the lady once again . I then woke up Liza " babe " i said " she then opened her eyes " look what I got " she then sat up and looked surprised " aww babe you shouldn't have " she then said .i handed her the bear and the drink " that's the cutest bear I think I've seen ever " I smiled and kissed her forehead . As she started to drink we heard the intercom turn on " flight 210 to Houston is here and is boarding now " me and Liza stood up and grabbed our carryons and I helped her waddle down the isle to or back seats . Their we say as she recorded a Snapchat video show that we just boarded and now about  to leave . I looked up her into her eyes and thought to myself . "Damn I have the best life I could ever ask for "
Then the plane took off and I wrapped my arm around Liza and kissed her head .

//// this chapter seems long but wait the next chapter might get a little crazy 😉////

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