Chapter 14

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Liza's POV;

It has been a couple of days since Scott and Kristen have been staying with us and today they were going back home. Scott and David decided to go to Heath's and just hang out with the guys so me and Kristen went to hers and Scott's place to drop off your luggage . When we walked into the house I helped her bring their bags into their room . Once we got done with that I sat in the chair in their room . " wanna see something ?" Kristen asked " yeah sure what is it " I asked back " just follow me ." I got up and we walked out of their room and down the hall and we went to the door on the left . We stoped and she opened the room . When we did I saw a room painted pink with tape still around the edges of the room and plastic still in the carpet . " aww " I said and I walked into the room . I turned to Kristen and smiled " I love it " I said and she said thank you back . " what names do you like for her ?" I asked her as I opened up the little closet in the room to see if she had bought any clothes which she had not . " I like the name Alaina " she then said " pretty " " Thank you " she then said .

(Time lapse )

It was soon night time and me and David was at the house at the table eating dinner . Christmas is coming up in almost a week  . Me and him were gonna celebrate with my parents this year because we did it with his last year . " So when are we go to your parents for Christmas ?" David asked me before he took a sip of his coke " we need to be getting on plane soon " I said . I decided to call my mom to see when she wanted us to come

( The call )

Liza ; Hi mom
LM; Hey baby how are you ?
Liza ; good mom thanks for asking how about you and dad ?
LM; where good
Liza ; Good so me and David was wondering when did you want us to come for Christmas ?
LM; well today is the 16 and tomorrow is the 17 so maybe in the next day or two if you can ?
Liza; Yeah mom I think we can make that work
LM; okay well just call us and let us know when your coming
Liza ; Okay love you mom
LM; Love you too sweetie

We had gotten off the phone and we and David finished our dinner and headed to bed . " Liza ?" David whispered as we laid in bed " Yes David ?" I asked and I turned over facing him " Just to let you know what ever name you like for our son I will love it " I smiled and kissed him " aww thanks babe " " your welcome " he said and I wrapped my pregnant self around met and he wrapped her arm around my shoulder and we dozed off into
our sleep .

Liza POV;

The next day me and David decided that it was time to start shopping for the baby . I was about 26 weeks and a half pregnant and we didn't have nothing for the baby . We went to baby's R us and when I looked at all the cute baby stuff . The I saw cute baby shirts that had stuff on them like "Mr still your girl " and cute stuff like that . We picked out a lot of shirts and bottoms and onesies  . We got a lot of dippers and wipes. And a car seat . Then we looked at the cribs . I found a cute white one that can also turn into a toddler bed so that was good . And then we checked out . When we stared buying all the stuff we soon realized that David's Tesla didn't have room for the crib . David decided to ask Jason to help and he was here in 10 minutes . We left with all of our stuff for our son and we went home . David payed Jason $15 for helping . When we got home I decided to hand all of our sons clothes up into the closet in his soon to be room . As I was doing that I heard a knock at the door and I waddled over and answered it . It was a man in all white with a hat on and a shirt that said " Home Depot " on it " Delivery for David and Elizabeth Dobrik " I was confused we didn't order anything " I'm sorry we didn't order anything " I say look at the man in a strange way " well it says right here that y'all order a royal blue paint and grey paint for a nursery " My eyes started to tear up . Those colors were the colors me and David had picked out for our sons nursery . "Umm... yea yea can you bring it in here please " I said . The man went to get the pair from the truck and David came from down the hall . I hit him in the chest " ow what was that for?" " for buy the paint David " " your mad ?" He asked I nodded side to side " the. Why did you hit me ?" " I don't know " I saidI then hugged him " thank you " He then kissed my head and replied" your welcome " . They man dropped off the paint and David paid for it and then he left . " go check into something old " he then said  I went into our room and put on some gym shirts and a long t shirt  . I then walked into the in finished nursery . David sat his camera down in a area so he could record us painting our sons room . As we started to paint he splattered some on each other . " oh yea while you answered the door I was buying plane tickets to Houston for tomorrow afternoon for Christmas " he then said . I smiled and kissed him " thank you for everything " I sad " no thank you for everything " he said back to me . I smiled and we continued painting our sons room .

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