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"Um... who's the guy?" I asked them.

"Kevin Reynolds," my dad answered and I could 've sworn I passed out. "Honey," my dad said passing his hand in front of my eyes. I let go of my mother's hand and started taking deep breaths.

"Kevin Reynolds?" I asked again, my dad nodded his head. "The same one I dated in high school?" I asked.

"I believe so," my mother answered this time. "Well, isn't this good news?" She questioned, I gave her a death glare having no idea why it would be good news. "He's not a complete stranger," she added. I would do anything to make him a complete stranger, I never wanted to see him again. "Get over it honey, that was high school," my mom said passing her hand in the air as if nothing happened.

"Mom, I can't possibly marry him," I told her, "is there anything else we can do?" I asked looking at my dad. There has to be a way for us to get out of debt without me getting married to that monster.

"You know I wouldn't ask you for this if there was," my dad said with a frown. "What's the problem anyway, he was a nice guy," my dad said.

"The problem is he broke my heart. I loved him and he stepped on it like a used shoe!" I yelled.

"Honey," my mom said, "that was over a decade ago, he probably doesn't even remember you," she said. I looked at her and realized she was right. High school was ages ago, he probably doesn't even remember I dated him and it's not like I still love him. He was just another boy, another cute, hot, handsome boy.

"You're right," I told her, "two years?" I asked my dad again. He nodded his head. "I'll do it," I assured them.

"We'll be meeting with them tomorrow," my dad said. I smiled and took my plate to go up to my room. I wasn't mad, but I needed some time alone. My parent's understood because none of them called nor followed me.


"I don't understand," Lucy said as we walked through the busy streets of New York, "you're getting married?" She asked.

"Yeah," I faintly said. She shook her head taking in everything. "Look, it's just to help out my parents," I told her.

"I know, but they can't possibly be asking you for something so big," she said. "Mariage is not a game," she said.

"I know," I told her, "it's the only way," I said, "can we not focus on how wrong it is?" I asked her. She nodded her head and took a sip of her soda. We walked in silence, we were never the type to be silent, but my mind was occupied with this marriage thing and Lucy from the looks of it was also busy thinking about it.

"Wait, who's the guy?" She asked.

"Kevin," I answered.

"As in Kevin Reynolds?" She asked. I shook my head, "the same guy you dated in high school?" I shook my head again. "Okay," she said. "Are you sur-"

"I'm over him," I told her knowing what she was about to ask. I was over him, I now hated him. What human breaks up with you after pouring your heart out? He broke up with me on our two years anniversary. I had planned a romantic dinner at the beach and while he was there, he broke my heart. It's just not meant to be he said in his husky voice. 

These six words replayed in my mind over and over for as long as I can remember; it was the hardest thing I had to get through and if it wasn't for my family and Lucy, I probably would have never got out of it. "I hope so," Lucy said putting her hand around my neck as we continued to walk down the street


"Honey," my mom said walking into my room, "are you ready?" She asked. I put my earrings on and nodded my head. "Good, they should be here any minute," as if they were waiting for me to finish, the doorbell rung. "It's now or never," my mother said motioning me to follow her.

I took the stairs carefully not to fall on my heels, I had a black pencil dress on that stopped just above my knee. My heels were red and I wore some light make up. My natural curls were in a messy bun which I did on purpose to show them I wasn't really trying. My mom and I met with my father downstairs who had a black suit on, my mother was dress in a red dress that made her look even hotter than she already is.

We all looked at each other, taking a deep breath my father opened the door. I am greeted by an older man, the same resemblance as Kevin. Kevin had introduced me before when we used to date, his blue eyes landed on me and gave me a bright smile. "Mr. Reynolds," my father greeted him.

"Oh please call me Joseph," he said. If he was willing to be that friendly, I didn't know why he wouldn't just forgive the debt. But I guess the saying is right, money before friends. "Brianna," he said his eyes fixed on me. "I can't believe how much you've grown," he said. He approached me giving me a hug. Behind him stood the devil himself, Kevin Reynolds. His eyes were glued to his phone not noticing anything that was going on. "Kev," his father said clearing his throat making him look up.

His eyes landed directly on me, I studied his every feature. He was dressed in a navy blue suit, his muscles could be seen through his jacket. His squared face, his perfect lips that used to touch my dull ones, his blue eyes. I scratch my throat breaking the eye contact. "I believe you two already know each other," his father said to us both. We both shook our heads, "Kevin this is Brianna, she's the woman who might become your wife and Brianna this Kevin," he said doing weird hand movements.

Kevin gave an expression I couldn't quite read, "should we go eat?" My mother asked making all the awkwardness go away. Everyone said a yes, we followed my mother to the dining room area where the food was already set up. Everything looked delicious, if there was one thing my mom was good at, it was cooking.

Kevin by force took a seat next to me, I looked around as everyone started eating including Kevin. "I am so sorry we had to meet like this, but I am afraid I am getting tired and I just need to rest, "Mr. Reynolds started. "I can't stand the thought of a stranger running the company I worked so hard to build and my son being a manwhore didn't help my cause either," he really didn't need to add the manwhore part.

I could feel Kevin's body tense beside me, "it's just two years, by then the board will be convinced that Kevin is able to run the company," he said. I had no idea if he was talking to me or my family, I pretty much knew the story before. "You'll have your own room, driver, money, maid, and anything else you want to make you comfortable," he added. 

Now I knew he was talking to me, he was being calm about this whole thing like we weren't getting forced to marry each other. I did not need any of these things, I just needed somewhere to sleep and word that my family would be fine at the end. "Yeah, as long as the debt is cleared at the end," I told him. That's all I cared about, getting the debt cleared.

"Yes, everything will be cleared I promise," he said.

"Then I guess we're getting married," I said. Kevin looked over at me in disbelief, I guess he thought I was going to say no. My old self wouldn't have agreed to this stupid stuff, but the older I get the more I learn that marriage isn't that important to me. I was thirty and still unmarried; I was not even dating someone, what are the chances that I actually fall in love and marry the love of my life?

"Yes you guys are, Saturday will be fine?" He asked.

"So soon?" My mother asked looking at me. My mother and I used to spend a lot of time talking about my wedding day when I was a kid.

"Yeah, it's fine," I said with a small smile. We continued eating our foods in silence. There was so much tension in the air. I felt eyes on me and when I turned Kevin was staring at me. He quickly averted his eyes pretending to look at his food.

This was going to be a long marriage.


Who would marry their ex?

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My Ex (BWWM)✔ (#Wattys2019)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant