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"Bri," he said. "I-I don't think," he paused and looked at Lucy. He stared at her as if waiting for her to give him permission to tell me. Lucy looked at me then back at him. She nodded her head slightly giving him her permission. "It was with..."  

He paused, I looked at him waiting for an answer. I watched as he fidgeted his fingers struggling to answer my question. I crossed my hands over my chest and stared at them both, Lucy's head was down. I was this close to beating both of them up. "I'm waiting," I told Kevin.

"Brianna, can you just-" Lucy started.

I turned, who did she think she was talking to? "Bitch, you better shut up," I said standing there. "The only reason I haven't dragged your ass out that door is because you're pregnant, now don't push your luck. I can put you in a coma and the baby will still survive," I said. She shut up and didn't try to say anything else. "Now, Kevin, you have one chance," I said raising my index finger up. "You better tell me before I have to find out myself and I promise you that won't be pretty."

I was always a nice and calm person, but when someone abuses it, it brings out the worst out of me. I couldn't possibly believe Lucy would do something like this to me, she was supposed to be my best friend. I trusted her with my life and she could have been the one to kill me. Kevin wasn't that much of a surprise, he was always a playboy. I guessed I should have expected it from him. Many people in high school said he was cheating on me, but I didn't believe them. I wanted to believe Kevin was loyal. "Who, Kevin, who?" I yelled.

"Um..." he took a deep breath. "Matthew," he blurted out. I was about to swing my hands to throw a few punches at Lucy when I heard the name he blurted out. I took a second making sure I heard what he said correctly, did he say Matthew? I thought Matthew was a guy? I passed my hands through my face not believing, he's gay. "I'm bisexual," he said answering my question. 

Matthew and Kevin were like best friends in high school, maybe that's why they were so close. I never paid attention to it because I didn't know Matthew was gay and Kevin never told me he was bisexual. Why would he not tell me this? "For how long?" I asked him. 

"About a year," he replied. 

"Wow," I said shaking my head. "So, you were fucking Matthew for half of our relationship and let me guess, you knew about it?" I asked Lucy. "And you didn't fucking think it was necessary to let your best friend know that her boyfriend was cheating on her?" I asked her. 

"It wasn't my secret to tell," she simply said.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" I asked her, "you were supposed to be my best friend, you were supposed to be on my side," I said. I was one minute away from breaking down in tears. "Did you know for the whole year?" I asked her.

"Yeah," she answered. "I forgot my glasses at Matthew's house and he said he would bring them the next day, but I couldn't see without them. I drove to his house after school, when I got there Kevin's car was there. I assumed they were playing basketball or football together in the backyard but when I got there Matthew's mom said they were in his room." She paused. I waited trying to hear the whole story. 

"I heard them talking outside the door, when they stopped, I barged in and they were kissing," she finished. I looked over at Kevin, his head was down. I took a deep breath, I had no idea how to feel about this whole situation. "I'm so sorry Brianna, Matthew asked me not to say anything. He was gay and he couldn't let the school know especially his teammates," she added. "Matthew and Kevin promised me they would stop seeing each other."

"But they didn't," I replied. I knew when she had left her glasses there, the next day she was acting really weird. I assumed it was because she got into a fight with Matthew or something. That day was like a year before we broke up and Kevin was still friends with Matthew after. I doubt they could've been friends if they liked each other.

"I know, they still met up and talked. Matthew assured me that they were just talking and he really liked it since he found someone that could relate to him," she said. I was starting to feel bad, but I shook my head trying not to forget the main problem which was Kevin cheating on me.

"Were you just talking?" I asked Kevin. 

"I swear," he said. "Nothing ever happened between us while we were dating."

"So, you broke up with me for Matthew?" I asked him trying to understand how everything fits together. 

"No," Lucy replied. "I made him break up with you because he wouldn't tell you the truth. That morning when you told me you were planning to lose your virginity, I went crazy. I knew you wouldn't want to do that with someone who's been lying to you."

"Then why didn't you just tell me?" I asked her yelling.

"I tried to tell myself that they weren't doing anything besides talking. Then, I saw Matthew after school, he was happy. He was always happy when he saw Kevin, but this time it was different. That's when he told me they had kissed in the morning," she said. "So, I called Kevin and told him to end it."

"You were kissing Matthew on our anniversary," I chuckled. "Good to know, Kevin," I said. I couldn't believe him, all I wanted was for him to be loyal to me. All he had to do was break up with me and be with him. I hate cheaters, every kind of them. How could he have kissed him when my lips were on his minutes prior. 

"I'm so sorry, Bri," he said. "I love you-"

"Stop right there," I told him raising my hand up. "You just used me so people wouldn't find out that you were screwing a guy," I said. "If you loved me you would have never thought about another man or female," I told him.

"That was different," he stated. "I love you both and I just didn't know what to do and I messed up, I really did."

"I don't believe you can love two people the same way, Kev and you proved it when you broke up with me instead of telling me the truth. I bet you were really happy, you could finally be with him," I said. 

"That's not true, I'll admit that Matthew and I did mess around for a while after we broke up, but stopped when I told him how wrong it was of me to do this to you. We stopped talking," he said. "I run into Matthew all the time and all I see is a high school fling. We laugh about it and forget about it but with you it's different. When I first saw you after twelve years, all I could think about was why I let you go and how much I regret that."

"Keep regretting," I replied. "I was willing to give you a second chance, that's over. I could forgive you for lying to me about being bisexual because I understand how it was back in high school, but cheating," I said. "I can't forgive you for that Kevin. All I ever asked for was your loyalty."

"And you," I said looking at Lucy. I chuckled and rubbed my face not even knowing what to think of her. "You chose Matthew over me," I said. "It didn't matter if I was getting hurt and my boyfriend was screwing someone else as long as nobody found out Matthew was gay," I said sarcastically.

"You both chose Matthew, enjoy him," I said. I grabbed my purse, my keys, and my phone so I could get out of here. I would spend the night at a hotel or something. "You both are admirers of Matthew, you deserve each other," I said walking out of the dining room. My phone starts ringing, I took it out answering it. "Mom now's really not a good time," I said before she has a chance to say hello. 

"Brianna," she said. I could hear the pain in her voice. I stopped walking, she never was worried about things. I heard her sniffle over the phone indicating she has been crying. 

"Mom, what is it?" I asked her getting worried. 

"There was an accident."


Would you forgive Kevin and Lucy?

Do you blame Lucy for protecting Matthew? Or should she have chosen her best friend?

Tell me what you think...

Au Revoir...

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