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"Because I may or may not have wanted to impress you," A smiled appeared on my face.

"Well, I'm impressed." He chuckled and passed his hands through his hair, "you really didn't have to do this," I told him. 

"I wanted to," he replied. I smiled, "take a seat," he said. I nodded my head and obeyed him. I took a seat at the table where I previously was and he took a seat beside me. "So," he said looking around him for a bit. "I was at my dad's house the other day," he started. It was kind of weird that he referred to the place he grew up in his dad's house.

Only his dad lived there, but still. He and his sisters still had their old rooms there and they were welcome there any time they wanted. They preferred to stay away, all of them saying that it reminded them of their mother.  I've only been there once since Kevin and I reunited and it reminded me of her. The house was quiet now and didn't have the happy vibes their mother always caused. On top of that, when I used to go there when we were younger, it always smelled like cupcakes. Their mother loved to bake. "What were you doing there?" I asked him curious since him and his dad was not technically on speaking terms.

"He's sick and he wanted to see me about a business deal," he replied quickly trying to brush it to the side.

"He's sick, why didn't you tell me?" He asked. I cared about his father, he was a nice man. He always treated me nicely and that's all I ever wanted from anyone. I wanted everyone and anyone to treat me nicely, the same way I choose to treat others.

"It's just a cold, you know how he acts like a baby when he's sick," he answered.

"I see where you get that from," I said sarcastically.

"I do not act like a baby," he said sternly putting his index finger up, "I just do not enjoy being sick and wish I never got sick," he added. "Anyways," he said passing his hands in the air. "That's not the point, the point is I found this," he looked under his chair and took out an album. It was shaped like a heart, I remembered this. We had bought it together to put our photos in it. 

"I didn't know you still had this," I commented. He handed it to me and I traced my hand on the cover admiring how smooth it felt under it. I was nervous about opening it, who knows what types of pictures I would find in there. I knew it had pictures of us, but I was so ugly as a teenager. 

"Yeah, it was in my old room," he replied. 

"Why did you keep it?" I asked. After being broken up all these years, I thought he would have thrown it away. He looked in deep thought for a minute before opening his mouth to answer my simple question.

"The memories, they're all good memories," he said looking at the small object. I nodded my head agreeing with him, "life was in a way so simple back then, good before you know," I knew he wanted to say before he cheated and ruined our lives but he refrained himself from saying. I nodded my head again. I opened the album and the first picture I saw was of me, "like this one," he said pointing at the photo. "I took it of you this one afternoon when we went out for ice cream," I looked at it and chuckled. 

I was smiling, but my hands were blocking my face not wanting him to take the photo.  looked at my mouth and noticed my braces. I forgot that I wore braces for half of high school, "oh God," I sighed. "That was a good day, but bad photo," he chuckled and I flip the page. It was a picture of us together. I remember that day, he had taken me to the fair and we posed in front of the Ferris wheel and took a picture. 

I continued to flip through the photos until I spotted one of us during New Year's Eve, months before we broke up. We had gone to a club using fake ideas. We were so stupid honestly, we sat in the booth smiling. I think Lucy took that picture, I sighed and flipped the page until I spotted a picture of Lucy and I.

We were standing near our lockers at school, us holding our binders and book as we stuck out our tongues like little kids. I ran my hands through the picture than remembered what happened that day. It was the first day of senior year, we looked happy it was our last year at the hell hole. "You okay?" Kevin asked me when he saw me staring at the picture.

"Yeah," I said shaking my head, "I just miss her that's all," I added closing the album. I missed our childish ways, how we were nearly eighteen in the picture, but we still stuck our tongue out like ten-year-olds. I missed our stupid conversations about random stuff like how would you feel if John Legend asked to marry you. We both knew we were no Chrissy Teigen and that he would never ask, but we enjoyed talking about it anyway. 

"I'm sorry," he said. "It's my fault, I shouldn't have asked Lucy to lie to you," he added. "If it's any consolation, Lucy misses you too, she won't stop talking about you," he informed me. "Is there anything I can do to get you guys talking?" He asked.

"No," I answered him, "her baby shower surprise will be perfect. Can you just make sure that she doesn't come home early on Friday?" I asked him. "Take her to eat or something, but not too much, she still has to eat the food from the shower," he nodded his head. 

"I got you," he replied. "I'm sorry," he said again. I nodded my head. He reached over and grabbed my hand. He held onto my hand and rubbed his thumb against it gently. "Made your favorite," he told me uncovering the food. 

"Chicken?!" I exclaimed, my eyes opened up and a bright smile was planted on my face. I love chicken, who doesn't?

"Yes, chicken," he replied chuckling. I looked down at the baked chicken and smiled. "I'll let go now," he said letting go of my hand. I laughed and grabbed my utensils digging into the yummy taste of chicken. 


Could you ever be separated from your best friend?

Au Revoir...

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