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"Afternoon," Kevin whispered in my ear. He pulled me towards him and turned me around. Our lips touched each other and he chuckled, he kissed me. I smiled and he pulled away, "what's this for?" He asked looking at the board I had in front of me. He took a seat on the sofa and threw one popcorn in his mouth from the bowl.

"Planning Lucy's baby shower," I said looking at the board also. He shook his head, "not that great at planning, that's why I asked one of the best planners to help me out," I added when I saw how scrambled the whole board was. Everything was all over the place. I only had the budget figured out, I was always good at numbers and money, but how to decorate and what food to cook was not my specialty.

"Who, Lucy?" Kevin asked laughing. Lucy is a great planner, she always planned all my birthday parties. She always ended up inviting a bunch of people I didn't know and over doing it, but I did always have a good time. She made sure my close friends were there, she made sure I had my favorite food. 

"No," I answered. "She should be here any minute," I said. Kevin thought for a moment of who it could be but goes back to his game regardless. The doorbell rang and I smiled, Alexis was here. I walked to the door and opened it. She stood on the other side looking gorgeous as usual. "Gorgeous as usual," I complimented her. She smiled and put her hands on her heart.

"Thank you," she said. "Now," she pushed pass me and walked to the living room. "Kevin," she faked a smile. "Oh dear," she said looking at the board. "What exactly are you trying to plan?" She asked. 

I came and took a seat on the sofa, "Lucy's baby shower," I informed her. "Pleas help me," I practically begged her. I really wanted to make this special for Lucy and it won't be perfect if everything's no perfect.

"I don't understand why you're throwing her a baby shower," she said. "I thought you guys were no longer speaking?" She asked.

"We're not," I replied, the baby shower idea now sounded weird to me. Will she even accept the baby shower, she might've made a new friend that's throwing her one that'll be much better than mine. "I just want to do something nice for her," I added. I'd like to believe she would've done the same thing for me even if we weren't talking. We've spent time without talking before, but this time was different and way longer than most. She did betray my trust and lost all reasons for me to continue to be her best friend.

However, we are grown adults, I wanted to move past this and reconcile with her. "She should be doing something nice for you," Alexis said. She sighed and took a seat beside me, "but I guess a baby shower will be fine." I smiled, "is it a boy or a girl?" She asked me. I then realized something, I asked her to help me plan a baby shower. 

If her pregnancy hadn't failed she probably would have a baby around the same time as Lucy. I can't believe I did that, she could have been planning her own right now. And I gave her a task to remind her of her failed pregnancy. "Um... it has to be neutral," I answered her.

"We should use purple," she said with a smile. "I'm thinking purple everything. Maybe we could even paint our face purple," she joked. All of us started laughing.


"You what?!" Alexis yelled, "and here I thought you were just innocent," she added after I told her of a crazy thing Lucy and I did back in the days. She couldn't stop laughing.

"Alexis, you're the innocent one," I informed her. She nodded her head agreeing. She was innocent, she was sweet and nice. I took my glass of wine and took a sip. By now we probably had two glasses of wine. Planning a baby shower seemed fun especially when someone who knows what they're doing helps out. 

"This is really awkward," Kevin said. I thought he was watching his game, I turned around and saw him staring at us,

"What's awkward?" I asked him.

"Yeah, what's so awkward?" Alexis asked him this time.

"You guys," he answered us. We looked at each other not knowing what he was talking about. "You guys used to hate each other and now Y'all won't shut up," both Alexis and I start laughing. I wouldn't call it awkward, I prefer to call it women sticking together. I honestly do not know why I hated her to begin with, maybe it was because she called me the help and she was sleeping with Kevin. Kevin wasn't even mine, he was legally married to me but he wasn't mine. I had no reason to hate her.

As far as I'm concerned, she was the realest one amongst everyone. She didn't lie nor hide things from me. She was genuinely nice, that's how Kevin would describe her. "Oh, you mean it's weird seeing the two woman you fucked in one room talking?" Alexis asked this time.

"Hey," I stopped her, "I never said he fucked me," I quickly regretted saying that. Kevin looked at me shaking his head. 

"What?!" Alexis said almost breaking my ear off, "you guys have never," she passed her fingers between Kevin and I. I shook my head no, "wow," she added not believing it. "I'm not gonna say anything."

"What?" I asked her, I wanted to know what she wanted to say. I wanted to hear why she thought it was so weird that Kevin and I have never had sex before. They were nothing wrong about that, I think some people prefer to wait when it's a good time and not rush through these things. 

"I just don't think it's normal for you guys to know each other that long and not, you know, do it," she said putting her head down. 

"Well," I told her, "some people don't base their whole relationship around sex," I informed her.

"That's true, that's what we call friendship. A romantic relationship needs sex, it's part of the intimacy you and your partner should have," I couldn't help but believe that she was right. If two people have a relationship with no sex, it can be called a friendship. "Several scientists have said this," she added.

"How do you know?" I asked her.

"She minored in sexology in college," Kevin answered before she had a chance to. The more I learned why she thought that, the more I was convinced that she was right. She was a sexologist for christ sake, she studies sex for a living. I'm sure she knew enough about. Kevin and I not having sex was definitely a problem.

"Anyways," she said trying to change the subject, "how many people are you expecting at the shower?" She asked.

"No more than fifty," I answered her.

"Good, I think we can-"


Do you think any relationship without sex is just a friendship?

I honestly don't, I think it just means you're waiting for him to put a ring on it.

Au Revoir...

My Ex (BWWM)✔ (#Wattys2019)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara