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I looked at the menu wondering what I should get, everything looked so good that I couldn't decide. The waiter stood beside me waiting for my answer to his question. My mother seated across from me scratched her throat. "Just get something already," she said. 

"Get me your special," I told the waiter, he nodded his head and left our view. 

"So, how's married life been treating you?" She asked taking a sip of her water.

"Mama, I'm not actually married," I said making sure she remembered. "I miss home though," I said honestly pouting my lips. 

"It was time for you to move out anyway," she said. I frowned, I missed home, I missed waking up to breakfast and my parents in the kitchen. Life with my parents always seemed so simple, but with Kevin things were different. I was constantly having a battle with myself. I was always fighting feelings, trying to get stability in the middle of everything. 

Everything in my life was a mess right now, I didn't know who I could trust or even who to trust. The waiter came back to us placing our food on the table. "How's daddy?" I asked mom. I've been trying to call, but he hasn't been answering. When he does answer, he always came up with an excuse in order to hang up the phone. "He's been avoiding me," I added after a while.

My father was always so close, in fact, all my family was always closed except my sister. I didn't know what happened. Maybe it was because I moved out, my mother sighed and took a bite of her food. "He's fine, honey," she said after chewing down her food. "Your dad's just been really busy with work, even I barely get to talk to the guy and I sleep in the same bed as him," she joked it out as usual. 

"It's not like dad to work too much and makes his family feel like he's working too much," I told my mom. Dad always made sure that he made time for us. That's one thing, I always loved about him. At school, all the rich kids used to talk about how their parents were not giving them attention. However, that was never an issue for me. I got all the attention I needed from both my parents. 

"I know, I'm a little bit worried," she said to my surprise. My mother was never one to be worrying about stuff. "He just feels so bad for getting you in a marriage with a guy you hate and he's been working hard to get you out of it," she said.

"Tell dad I'm fine," I assured her. I took a bite of my food enjoying the taste. This was indeed one of the best restaurants in town. "And I don't hate Kevin," I said out of nowhere.

"I see," my mother said. I rolled my eyes already knowing what she was hinting at.

"We're not sleeping together, mom," I said. "I guess we've both reached an understanding about our situation," I said. Of course, we still argued, but things were becoming a little smoother. 

"Matthew," my mom exclaimed. I turned to see who she hinting at. "I can't believe it," she added. 

I smiled at Matthew, I didn't know why my mom was so excited to see a guy I used to go to high school with. Matthew got up from his table and walked over to ours. He hugged my mom kissing both of her cheeks doing the same to me. "How are you, Mrs. Brown?" He asked my mom.

"Great, how have you been?" My mom asked back. "Kids, wife?" My mother asked one after the other. I shook my head not believing my mother. She was always up into everyone's business. 

"Yes, I have two girls," he said, "twins," he added. He pulled out his wallet showing my mom the picture of the girls. He showed me the picture also, I smiled at the two girls who looked around five or six. They had big brown eyes and wild curly hair which I supposed they got from their father. Matthew was Hispanic, Dominican to be specific. His family always had big wild curly hair.

I watched as my mom smiled admiring the two girls. Great, another friend from high school to remind me how pathetic my life is. "And husband," Matthew added putting his wallet back in his pocket.

"Mhmm?" My mom asked not understanding what he was saying.

"Husband," he said, "I have a husband," I choked. I started coughing, everyone looked at me wondering if I was okay. I cleared my throat and nodded my head saying I was okay. I laughed at the situation, I had nothing against the fact that he was gay. However, I went to school with him all of my life.

 He used to come over my house all the time, but we kind of stopped hanging out when we reached middle school. So, that means I knew him for more than ten years and I had no idea that he was gay. 

And I'm a pretty observant person, the thing that made the situation funnier was the fact that Lucy dated Matthew in high school for like a year. That is the longest relationship Lucy has ever had besides her husband. Oh, my God, my best friend was dating a gay guy and she didn't know. "Brianna," my mom said eying me to stop laughing.

"I'm sorry," I told Matthew, "I'm really sorry. It's not like me," I said not being able to stop laughing. Why did I find this funny? I had no idea, I just thought it was funny. "But are you gay or bisexual if you don't mind me asking?" I asked.

"I'm gay," he replied awkwardly. I nodded my head, I wanted to ask if he was gay since high school, but I refrained myself from asking any further questions. "It was nice seeing you Mrs. Brown, you too Brianna," he said. "But I must return to business," we both nodded our heads and he made his way back to his table. 

"What's wrong with you?" My mother practically yelled. "What was so funny anyway?" She asked me.

"He dated Lucy for a year in high school," I simply said. My mom also started laughing.


The front door opened, I turned the television off and walked to the front door. Kevin gave me a small smile when he saw me. "How was the rest of your day?" I asked him.

"Tiring," he said. "How was lunch with your mother?" He asked.

"Great actually," I said. "Ran into an old friend of ours," I said.

"Mhmm, who?" He asked. He walked to the kitchen. I followed him there, he opened the cabinet and took out a glass. He opened the cabinet where the alcohol is, he took out the vodka and poured himself some.

"Matthew," I answered him. "Did you know he was gay?" I asked him. Kevin nodded his head, "when did he come out?"

"College," Kevin said gulping down the drink. I shook my head not wanting to think about this anymore. Kevin grabbed the bottle to pour himself one more drink. I stopped him taking the bottle from him. "I had to work with Lucy," he said. "And I'll have to for the next six months, I deserve a drink," he added.

"You already had one," I said. He frowned, I set the bottle and glass down on the counter. "You just need some sleep," I said. 

I massaged his tense muscles and took out his tie. I unbuttoned his shirt, "why do you do stuff like this?" He asked me. "You know what I want to do right now?" I shook my head no, he grabbed my waist and pulled me towards him. He leaned over moving my hair behind my ear. "I want to strip you naked and fuck you right in this kitchen," he whispered in my ear.

His words surprised me, making me flinch a little. I looked him in the eye, they screamed lust. I wrapped my hands around his neck. I kissed him passionately, he tried to deepen the kiss, but I pulled away. "Get some sleep, Kevin," I said leaving the kitchen. I heard him groan, I smiled and made my way to my room.


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