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"One drink for the birthday girl," Kevin said handing me some wine. I smiled mouthing him a thank you. The music continued to play in the background, some sort of Caribbean music, I did not what it was, but I could tell it wasn't American. We were in a small Caribbean restaurant enjoying a meal for my birthday. 

"Thanks for doing this," I thanked Kevin again. He made it his mission to make my birthday special even though I told him it wasn't necessary. He almost made me forget the truth which was I was getting old with none of my goals in life accomplished. The older I got, the more my clocked ticked. I was running out of time, soon a doctor would tell me it is risky to have a baby at this age. 

"You're welcome," he replied. He raised his glass to mine and I smiled as the glasses hit each other. "Are you having a good time?" He asked me. I nodded my head letting him know I was. I went back to eating my curry chicken I decided to order. "Something's wrong," Kevin said. I met his eyes, "what's wrong?" He asked me.

"Everything's fine," I assured him, his blue eyes searched my eyes trying to find something. I put on the best smile not to get him worried, he sighed and looked down breaking the eye contact. 

"Can you just be honest with me?" He asked, "is it the getting old thing?" He asked, "Bri, I told you, it's not-"

"It's different for you, okay," I told him. "You're not afraid of getting old," I murmured under my breath not wanting to hear myself say it. "You're not constantly being reminded of all your failures or all the things you didn't accomplish. You don't have a clock ticking," I sighed and stopped myself from saying anything more. 

"Who says I'm not, Bri. Truth be told, I am scared of that, but I'd like to hope that everything I want will happen in due time," I chuckled and rolled my eyes. Why does he have to be all wise all the time? "What?" He asked me.

"Nothing," I said shaking my head. The song that was playing ended and after a few seconds a new one started. I turned looking at the band playing. I didn't know the song, but I did like it. It was fast beat, the lead singer looked like she was putting all her soul out there. People got up and went dancing. It wasn't like anything I've seen, it was a mixture of slow dance mixed with some sort of hip-hop. It was a sort of dirty dancing, I smiled, I like seeing that. "That's so cool," I turned back to my food. 

"The dancing?" Kevin asked, I nodded my head. "Yeah," he said staring at them also. "They have a dancing class here, maybe you should sign up," he suggested. "I'd sign up, but dancing has never been my thing," he shrugged his shoulders. 

"No thank you," I said. I didn't have time to be signing up for dancing classes. I think I'll do that when I retire and with my age, it should be coming soon. "I just want to dance," I added. "Will you dance with me?" I asked him handing him my hand. He nodded his head and took my hand in his. 

We walked to the dance floor and started dancing, I'm sure we weren't dancing as good as those Caribbean folks, but we were moving the body God gave us. The beat changed and everyone started dancing slower holding unto their partners. Kevin slowed down and pulled me towards him gently. I wrapped my hands around his neck, he put his hands on my lower hip and we moved our bodies slowly to the song. 

I rested my head on his chest feeling his head rise and fall. I liked being this close to him, I felt at home. "Bri," he whispered in my ear, "I love you," he said after a while. I smiled, the song ended and we pulled away from each other. 


 "He didn't walk up with that "how you doin'?" (uh)
(When he came in the room)
He said there's a lot of girls I can do with (uh)
(But I can't without you)
I knew him forever in a minute (hey)
(That summer night in June)
And papa says he got malo in him (uh)
He got me feelin' like,"
the radio played and I sang along. Kevin turned and looked at me ridiculously. "What?" I said shrugging my shoulders, "just cause I'm old doesn't mean I shouldn't sing along to a stupid pop song," I said. 

"Ooh-ooh-ooh, I knew it when I met him
I loved him when I left him
Got me feelin' like
Ooh-ooh-ooh, and then I had to tell him
I had to go, oh na-na-na-na-na," I continued.   Kevin smiled, I turned and looked at him as he gripped the steering wheel and drove me to my apartment. I smiled just looking at him, he was really a wonderful guy. He always was, even when we were in high school. He was stupid but has always been an amazing guy. 

"Staring is not nice sweetheart," he said not even turning to look at me. I chuckled and nodded my head. 

"You're amazing, you know that right?" I asked him. 

"You're the amazing one," he replied. "You're the one who still deals with me despite how much I've wronged you in the past. I've been so bad to you and you still chose to give me a chance, so thank you," he told me. I nodded my head. "I mean, you are incredible, amazing, and all the other synonyms I did not stay up in English to learn," he joked. I laughed and shook my head.

"I don't think anyone stayed up in English," I thought about it for a second. I was always half asleep in my English class, I hated the teacher. She was what I call a bitch. "Anywho," I said. "Thank you for making me laugh and have fun on my birthday."

"No problem," he said. He stopped at a red light and I relaxed my head on the seat. I was feeling really tired and maybe I could get some shut eye before I reach home. Kevin started humming a song that was playing on the radio. I felt the car start moving again.

I opened my eyes when I remembered there was something I wanted to tell him. "Kevin," I called him. He seemed startled by me calling his name. He turned around in a swift motion raising his eyebrow. That's when I felt the force and our car slide. Kevin's eyes stayed on me, I was shocked unable to say or do anything, I felt the car stop and I turned to see that we hit a tree, when I turned back around, Kevin was no longer staring at me, he was gone. "Kev," I shook his body. "Kev, please stay with me," I said. I tried to move, but the airbag was in my face. 

I tried to reach my pocket to get my phone but I couldn't reach it, "Kev, I'm sorry," I said when I felt my body about to give up. My eyes grew heavy, I tried to keep them open, but the darkness came and consumed me. 


Do you like Caribbean music?

 100K, thank you to everyone who's reading this story... I love and appreciate you all.

Au Revoir...

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