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"I can't believe you quit your job and are about to work at the same place as your husband," Lucy said as we walked down the street to work. We were in a cab, but we stopped halfway just so we could get coffee in our favorite coffee shop.

"He kind of gave me no choice," I replied taking a sip of my coffee. I really thought Kevin was tripping when he first told me to quit, but after a week I realized he was very much serious. No matter how much I didn't want to quit my job, I had to. One thing Kevin was right about was that I needed this, well my family needed this.

We arrived in front of the building, Reynolds Corporations. I paused and looked at the place I was forced to work in. "I guess I'll see you at lunch," Lucy said giving me a big hug. I hug her back and nodded my head. Lucy's job was just down the streets from mine, I watched as she went on walking. I sighed and entered the building.

I took the elevator up the same floor I was in for the board meeting. I reached the floor and saw the same receptionist who greeted me last time. "Hi, Mr. Reynolds said you'd be here," she said checking her computer. Mr. Reynolds? I guess since his father was gone, he was the new Mr. Reynolds.

I smiled and nodded my head, she looked up at me again and gave me a smile also. "Mr. Reynolds is waiting for you in his office," I mouthed her a thank you and made my way to Kevin's office. I stood in front of his office questioning if I should knock or if I should just bust inside. I couldn't believe I would be working for Kevin.

It's bad enough I have to see him at home, now at work too? And I thought work would be my escape, my escape from him, my escape from this crappy marriage. Kevin was just being so mean to me for no reason and to think we were in love once. That's why I'd rather it had been a stranger, at least I would understand why the person would be mean to me. Deciding against the later, I knocked on the door. "Come in," I heard his husky voice say on the other side of the door. I heard laughing on the other side, him and a familiar voice which I couldn't quite remember where I've heard it from.

I opened the door slightly, Kevin was sitting on the sofa with that white bitch which was at the house that night after the club. I rolled my eyes, she was sitting on Kevin and nibbling on his ear. Kevin looked up at me and gave me a smile, the bitch turned around and gave me a smile also. She wasn't drunk this time, she at least looked decent, not that decent though. "Hi, I'm Alexis," the girl said waving her hand in the air. I gave her a fake smile and rolled my eyes once again.

"I have to get to work," Kevin said to her. He got up from the sofa and the girl did the same. "See you later," he said to her. She nodded her head and grabbed her bag.

"Love you," she said. Kevin walked to his desk taking a seat, he took the cup that was on his desk taking a sip which I suppose was coffee. "Kev," the girl said. Kevin looked up at her raising his eyebrow. "Love you," she repeated again.

"Yeah," he said opening a folder and reading through the files. The girl huffed and exited the office slamming the door on her way out. "What's her problem?" Kevin mumbled under his breath. Was he kidding? The girl just told him that he loved him and all he said was yeah. The girl was expecting him to say it back not agree with it.

"I don't know, girls are weird," I said sarcastically. He closed the folder and looked at me furrowing his eyebrows. I took a seat on one of his comfortable chairs. "So, what do I have to do?" I asked Kevin.

"Well, the same thing you've done at C&J," he said his voice full of sarcasm. I rolled my eyes and got comfortable in my chair. "Look, you're an advisor and we need advising since I am planning on making a lot of changes. I want to make sure the changes won't impact our money and that we will profit," he said handing me a file. I nodded my head reading through the file. "Are you still mad at me?" He asked out of nowhere.

"Never said I was," I sniffed and went back to reading the files.

"Didn't have to," he replied. "We go way back, Bri. I know when you're unhappy about something," I closed the folder and snickered. "What?"

"You're serious?" I asked him. "Yes, I'm mad at you Kevin. You want to know why too?" I asked him. He nodded his head, "first you act like we're complete strangers, you tell me I have to be faithful to you when you're sleeping with a white bitch, and now you forced me to quit my job which I loved by the way." When I finished I was breathing loudly, I guess I was really mad at him. "High school, Kevin, high school. We were in love," I added. "I'll review it and let you know about the financials," I said raising the file up in my hand.

I got up from my seat to leave since I can pretty much work from home being a financial advisor unless Kevin's ass wanted me to be here. "Bri," he said getting up from his seat also. "Maybe I didn't react the best way when I saw you so I'm sorry," he said.

"Maybe?" I shook my head and grabbed my bag.

"Okay, I treated you like crap," he said. "But you can't be mad at me," he frowned.

"And why is that?" I asked him. Was he going to threaten me with something again so I wouldn't be mad at him too? I crossed my hands over my chest waiting for his so-called reason that I couldn't be mad at him.

"We're stuck together for two years, the least we can do is be nice to each other," he said. I rolled my eyes for what seems like the hundredth time.

"Expect an email," I told him regarding the file. I exited his office slamming the door on my way out.


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