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Today it was beginning to snow. Ice was everywhere like a thin blanket. Blossom arrived to school as usual with her motorcycle. Edward had disappeared for a few days before he came back. The Cullen's say he want to Alaska to see some cousins. Isabella was disappointed when he left and was more then glad when he came back.

The day went by painfully slow. She decided not to sit with the Cullen's at lunch that day as she escaped to the library.

She sighed, grabbing a good book from a shelve, she found herself a corner in the library where she could be at peace sitting alone at a table.

While reading, she couldn't shake the feeling of eyes being on her. She glanced up and saw Mike Newton staring at her intently.

"What do you want, Mike?" she asked as he brought his way over and sat across from her.

"Do you think Bella likes me?" he asked, "you're her sister so I just assume you'd know."

Blossom sighed. She shut her book. "Mike, I don't talk to my sister."

"Oh," Mike said awkwardly. "Well can you at least tell me if she's got a thing for that Cullen kid. I saw them talking in biology today."

Blossom paused. It's not my business, she thought, she can like him whatever.

"Blossom! Hello, anyone in there?" Mike asked knocking on her head as she swatted his hand away and brought herself back into reality.

"I have to go," she told him as she grabbed her books and left the library abruptly. She was surprised that he moment he came back from Alaska then he'd be all over Isabella all of a sudden.

She took a peek into the cafeteria and as usual he was staring at Isabella. She swallowed hard. She realized she had already developed a crush on him and now he was after her sister.

"She can have him," she whispered under her breath as she shook her head. "I never needed friends before and I still don't need them now."

What she hadn't known was that the Cullen's turned heads when they heard that. They had sensed her in the room but they thought she'd be coming over to the table.


Blossom at the end of the day had began to get on her motorcycle to go home. She glanced around the parking lot. A van was driving on the ice when the tires squealed. Isabella was trapped by her truck as the van slides over about to crush her when last minute something or someone got in the way and saved her.

 Isabella was trapped by her truck as the van slides over about to crush her when last minute something or someone got in the way and saved her

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Blossom glanced towards the Cullen's and saw there surprised expressions as they left admittedly. Where did Edward go? she thought.

She looked towards the van and the truck. Isabella was being helped up by a butch of students. Isn't she miss popular? she thought.

She tossed on her helmet and drove home knowing that her father would force her to go to the hospital with them.


Blossom was right. They had hoped into the cruiser the moment Their father heard about the accident.

Blossom stood in the corner of the room and paid no attention to Isabella who sat on the hospital bed looking completely fine if you asked Blossom but she wasn't no doctor.

Her father approached her. "Blossom at least show some care. Come on."

She rolled her eyes. "I'll stay right here, thanks."

He soon gave up. The doctor came in and she seemed puzzled to say the least that he too looked just like the rest of the Cullen's. Same coloured skin and eye colour. How strange...

She picked at her nails bored as she waited to go home. She was supposed when doctor Cullen approached her.

"You must be Blossom, yes?" he asked with a charming smile.

Blossom looked up and sent out a weak smile. "That's me."

"Come with me. My adopted daughter, Rosalie said she wanted to speak with you. Come, come," he told her as she followed him out of the room.

She followed him down the hallway. Rosalie stood at the end, talking to Edward. Where did he come from?

"Blossom! Are you okay?" Rosalie asked worried as she left Edward and raced over to talk to Blossom.

"I'm fine. I'm just annoyed I got dragged to the hospital," she told her. She whispers, "I really was hoping it'd hit her."

Rosalie smiled. She whispered back, "so did I."

Doctor Cullen came to the two girls after talking to Edward. "Blossom, why don't you come over and get to know everyone. I'm sure they'd love to see you."

"Yes, please come over," Rosalie partly begged.

"Alright alright," Blossom caved in. She really had nothing to do tonight anyway.

"I'll go tell your father. You girls can go now," doctor Cullen told them.

Blossom followed Rosalie as she rambled on about everything they could do. They walked by Edward who was stiff and held an annoyed expression.

She glanced at him with a sad puppy eyes and he seemed to turn to liquid when she gave him such a innocent sad look. She didn't mean for it to come out like that.

Edward began to have second thoughts about how he saved Bella and the moment Bella began to question what had happened, it only began to be more annoying then the situation already was. Edward was just digging himself into a deeper hole.

Bad At Love [Edward Cullen]Where stories live. Discover now