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Gossip flooded the hallways at school that morning. Edward was seen in the parking lot letting Bella out of his car. An arm around her waist. Gasps, cries and eyebrows raised were going around. Whispers too went around.

Blossom had gotten off her bike when she saw this. It was a cloudy day. Perfect way to match her mood. She felt cloudy. Seeing them together made her feel sick.

She went through with her day through. When lunch came around, Emmett in gym class had told her to sit with them at lunch. Which she was going to do but once she went through the doors, her eyes caught sight of her sister sitting with the Cullen's.

Angela waved her over to their table but she ignored her unintentionally and went straight to the library. She didn't eat.

Sitting, huddled in a corner in the library with a book in her hands was how she spent her lunch. Her stomach growled but was ignored.

Rosalie had stopped by, checked up on her and when no words came out from Blossoms mouth, she left to go back to her family where she gave Bella the stink eye.

The rest of the day, all Blossom heard was the jealously whispers of students. The rumours and gossip. It was driving her mad. She began to regret agreeing to go play baseball with the vampires.


After school, Blossom went to the washroom to change her clothes into appropriate outfit for playing sports. She followed the Cullen's home on her motorcycle.

She parked it. Taking off her helmet. She had already been at the Cullen's house before. She had played the piano with Edward that day. It was only a memory though.

"Edward, why don't you go show Bella something upstairs while we chat with Blossom for a second," Carlisle suggested more so demanded. They sat in the living room. Edward wanted to stay but he listened anyway and took Bella upstairs.

"So y'all are vampires?" Blossom states bluntly.

"Yes," Carlisle said, "you probably want to know what we drink."

"I guess," she said shrugging as she stood from the couch. Her fingers ran across the walls as she stared at the beauty of the houses insides.

"We drink animal blood," he told her.

"It wouldn't matter if you drank blood. It wouldn't matter to me," she told them. She was bold. Brave.

"Jasper is our newest member. He still is getting used to it," he told her. "We have powers.

"I have visions."

"I can change and feel others emotions."

"Edward can read minds."

"I'm super strong, obviously!"

"I'm undeniably beautiful."

"I have a better control over blood, which makes me such a great doctor."

Blossom couldn't help but laugh. "Y'all are like a band of super heroes or some shit," she said quietly.

"Alright well now that that is out of the way. Let's go play baseball," Esme said clearing the air as they all got into their vehicles and drove off into the middle of a field.

Blossom rode with Emmett and Rosalie in their jacked up Jeep.

"Hey did you two know that Edward watches my sister sleep?" Blossom asked as Emmett broke into laughter.

"That's creepy, man, just creepy," Emmett said laughing as Rosalie couldn't help but chuckle at the thought.

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