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Once Blossom got home, she cooked a pot of canned chicken noddle soup on the stove. Charlie had placed pillows and blankets on her bed upstairs and filled the bath with warm water.

He came back downstairs. "I feel bad that I can't cook for you," he said as he felt her forehead. She had a slight fever.

She stirred the soup. "Don't worry about it," she told him as the phone rang.

He left to answer it as Blossom filled up two bowls with the soup. She placed it on the table and sat down.

Charlie came back from answering the phone and placed a blanket around Blossoms shoulders as she ate the soup.

He sat down across from her and began eating too.

"Who was on the phone?" she asked as the soup warmed her inside. She felt relieved.

"The school called," he said surprised. "Bella skipped class," he told her.

Blossom shrugged her shoulders. She pulled the blanket closer as she shivered. It was cold out today, a misty cold air floated around outside. It was humid outside.

"I wouldn't be surprised. I saw her leave," she told her father as he held a grimace expression.

"You should've stopped her."

"I should've but I didn't. I don't do what others wouldn't do for me," she stated as she finished her soup.

"If you need anything, just hauler," he told her as she nodded. She headed upstairs. Her feet took her to the bathroom first where the tub was filled with warm water. She shut the door and admittedly stripped out of her clothes.

She got into the bath and let her eyes close. At some point in the bath, she had a horrible dream that Bella held her under and she began to drown. It only being a dream, she sat up in the bath, water dripping down her face as she gasped for air. She fell asleep in the bath and almost drowned.

"Everything going on okay in there?" Charlie asked through the door as he knocked lightly.

"I'm fine," she coughed out as ran a hand through her wet locks. She drained the bathtub and wrapped herself in a towel.

She exited to the bathroom, going to her room, she closed the curtains and got changed. She wore cozy pyjamas with fuzzy socks and her wet hair in a messy bun on the top of her head.

She heard a car park in the driveway. She peaked through the curtains and saw Edward dropping Bella home. It was nighttime now. Blossom wondered if meeting the family had went good...

She shook her head. She didn't care. She watched as Bella went to the front door as Edward began to pull out of the driveway, he stopped. His eyes looked up and met hers. She squealed out of surprise and drop to the floor to hide.

She laid there for a second. She heard his car drive down the street, leaving. She mumbled swears under her breath as she got off the ground. She glanced out the window once more before shaking her head at herself.

She turned on the fairy lights in her room that went around the top of her walls in her room. She flicked the lights off. Taking off her socks, she went under the covers and stared at the ceiling.

The house was quiet. Blossom strained her ears when she heard voices. Charlie was a deep sleeper so he wouldn't have heard but Blossom sure did.

She knew. She knew Edward was in Bella's room. She held herself back from storming into there and questioning why he didn't just admit to being a vampire like he did with Bella. Jealous? Maybe. More so unfair was the word.

Blossom remembered back when he saved them from the drunk men. "You should've heard what they were thinking."

Her eyes blinked. She wondered if he could hear her. Hear her thoughts. She thought real hard. If you can hear me Edward, fuck you and your immortal life, she thought. Her smile showed slightly as she giggled slightly at how rude she was being.

After that, she felt her soul rest as she shut her eyes and let sleep take over.


Edward heard what she said. He knew telling Bella the truth was wrong. He knew letting her meet the family and technically be dating her was wrong but for an odd reason he didn't want Blossom. Maybe it was that he wanted her so badly that he had to chose someone who threw themselves at him instead of someone who despised him.

His own family barley liked Bella. He knew that Blossom knew what they were. He heard all of Rosalie's thoughts about Blossom. He stared at Bella's sleeping form as he shook his head.

He left her room and found himself in Blossoms room. Watching her sleep wasn't as interesting as watching Bella sleep.

She wasn't an angel like Bella. She had messy hair and drool coming down the side of her mouth. She was real. Her bedsheets a mess. One of her legs was falling off the bed.

Suddenly she fell right off the bed. A thump was heard throughout the house as she woke up, sitting up. "I'm alright!" she called out to nobody groggily.

Edward watched from the corner of the barley lit room as Blossom crawled back into bed. She hadn't seen Edward. Once she fell back to sleep. He left to go home, without going to see Bella again that night.

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