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Blossom arrived at the Cullen home with a pale face. She felt so sick. Esme tried to get her to eat but she refused.

The phone rang and Carlisle answered it. He listened closely, with a surprised expression. He hung up the phone with a bright smile.

"Bella is alive, barely through. Jacob took her to the hospital when he found her washed up on the shore. I got called in. All of you must stay here but Edward, come with me," Carlisle told everyone as he left with Edward.

"This is too much," Blossom mumbled pulling at her hair.

"You're telling me, sista," Emmett said with a sigh. He joined her on the couch where they sat, their eyes on the television screen.

"Your emotions are rather confusing," Jasper told them as his face kept a stern look trying to control the emotions he felt radiating off of everyone.

"One moment she's dead, then now she isn't. You must be kidding me!"

Blossom was overly anger on the situation at hand. She laid her head on Emmett's shoulder, Rosalie came and sat down next to her, placing her arm around Blossom.

"And apparently I'm being turned. You saw that, Alice?" Blossom asked staring at Alice who stood next to Jasper.

"Yes But Bella keeps coming in and out. She's really making this a mess-."

"She's leading on Jacob!" Blossom augured.

"And now that she is alive, Edward has his blood singer back," Emmett mentioned.

Blossom's mood dropped. She stared at her hands. She stood up, and said, "I'm hungry."

She left to the kitchen where Esme had food cooked for her. She thanked her silently and ate even though she felt like throwing up. For some reason she felt happy Bella was dead, maybe she felt like she had a chance with Edward, not that she wanted one but it had passed her mind.

She shook those thoughts away. She put her hand over her mouth and ran to the washroom. She threw up in the toilet, Rosalie ran in and held her hair back. The whole situation made her feel so sick to her stomach. She didn't know what to do.

Bad At Love [Edward Cullen]Where stories live. Discover now