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"You smell like wet dog," Rosalie said putting her nose up.

Blossom sighed. She sat at the island in the kitchen at the Cullen residence. A bowl of Cheerios and milk sat in front of her. A spoon in hand.

Emmett went up behind Rosalie and hugged her. His nose scrunched up. "What is that smell?"

Blossom rolled her eyes. "It's Paul."

"The wolf?" Alice asked appearing out of nowhere.

"Yes. The wolf," she mumbled.

Rosalie gave Blossom a funny look. "What were you doing with him?"


"They have decided on a plan. Jacob will be with you, Bella, and Edward up in the mountains far from the fight, away from Victoria. You'll be safe," Carlisle told Blossom.

"I don't like that plan!"

"Let her come to the fight. We'll protect her," Emmett said looking at her with a smiling gaze which she returned.

"No," Edward said popping into the kitchen. "She's coming with me. I mean us."

"No. I'm going to the fight. Emmett will watch over me," she said being stubborn.

"Alright let's get going then," Esme said sighing. "The wolves will meet us there at the field."

Blossom felt Edwards eyes on her as he drove off with Bella to drop her off with Jacob so his scent would throw off the vampires.

"He needs to get over himself."

Blossom turned and looked at Rosalie. She handed her a jacket to cover her scent.

"It's annoying how much he acts like he cares about me," she mumbled. Rosalie rubbed her back gently as they walked onto the field.

Emmett stood by her side, for protection.

The newborns came out from the trees. Riley and Victoria in the mix. There was no time for talk as they weren't experienced newborns. They just knew to kill. With Jaspers training we stood a chance.

Blossom stood by Emmett as he kicked newborn butt. Her eyes caught sight of Paul tackling a vampire from behind her before it could attack her.

In the corner of her eyes she noticed a little girl newborn hiding behind a rock shaking.

Blossom snuck away from Emmett and went up to the little girl. Her eyes red as jewels and her hair black as ravens. "Hey you okay?"

Blossom crouched down to her height. The girl shook her head. "I don't know what's going on," she said shaking.

"Can I trust you won't bite me?"

The girls eyes widened at the thought of biting someone. "I won't, I won't."

Blossom shuffled over to her and sat next to her, hiding by the rock. She watched in horror near the end as Jacob's wolfs arm got broken. He howled in pain as the fight ended.

He changed back into his naked human form and the wolves quickly took him to his father as the other vampires began to burn the bodies.

"Blossom, get away from her!" Emmett shouted in horror as she walked out from behind the rock, the girl hiding behind her.

"Emmett relax," Carlisle warned as he had a chat with the girl. Giving her a pat on the shoulder.

Emmett lightly grabbed her wrist and pulled her away from the girl. "Just to be safe."

Alice froze. "They are here."

The Volturi arrived. "What has happened here?" Ace asked.

"Newborns. We dealt with them though," Carlisle explained.

"You missed one."

"No, she's with us," Alice stated. He shook his head and waved his fingers. Two vampires ripped her apart as she begged for them not to. It was too late.

Emmett caught Blossom as she tried to grab at the vampires who killed the clueless vampire girl. "Don't do anything stupid," he whispered.

She loosened in his grip. Her face expressed dropped.

"Ah Blossom is still not turned? Is Isabella?"

"Soon!" Alice said handing him her hand. He nodded his head and they disappeared.

"Shit Jacob!" Blossom said her eyes wide as she looked to Emmett. "I need to go see him," she told him. He slowly handed her the keys to his car.

She ran off in a flash, jumping into the car and started her fast journey to the Black's home.

Bad At Love [Edward Cullen]Where stories live. Discover now