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School days went by, Edward came back when the twins birthdays arrived. A small party was being held at the Cullen's for the Swan twins birthday. Bella forgot about Jacob, the wolf thing being put behind for now.

"Show us the love," Alice said as she took a picture of Edward and Bella. They were back together and it tore Blossoms heart out. She stood beside Emmett and Rosalie.

She felt like it wasn't her birthday but only Bella's, she felt like the forgotten twin. She didn't care for presents though.

Bella wore a dress and so did Blossom. Rosalie grabbed her hand and squeezed it, to reassure her that she was on her side.

"Here this is from Emmett," Alice stated passing her a box. Bella opened it and had a strange look.

"Thanks?" she questioned as she held the empty box. She was ungrateful.

Emmett smiled, "I installed it in your truck already."

Bella nodded as Alice passed her another gift stating, "this one is from Rosalie."

"I didn't pick it out," Rosalie said rudely as she glared at Bella.

Bella opened it and it was jewelry. She was so awkward about it all.

"Now lets just pay attention to Blossom for a second!" Rosalie said turning the eyes onto Blossom.

Edward didn't get a good look at her till now but was taken away by her beauty. He had such mix feelings.

"I got motorcycle in the garage for you, all red!"

Blossom screamed, hugging Emmett. "Oh my god, thank you!"

"Take it for a test ride later?" Emmett asked as he put her in a bear hug.


Rosalie smiled happily. "My turn!"

Emmett let Blossom go and allowed her to turn to Rosalie. She handed Blossom a box.

She opened it and gasped. "A new leather jacket! Thank you!"

Rosalie hugged Blossom. "You're welcome."

"Wait, there's one more for me," Bella said jealously as she made the attention go back to her, she picked it up and cut her finger on the wrapping.

In seconds, Jasper lost control and ran to Bella but Edward pushed Bella into the piano and attacked Jasper.

Emmett grabbed ahold of Jasper, dragging him outside.

"Stop, Stop! Jasper, it's just-," Alice pauses, "blood."

Carlisle went to help Bella. "Everyone out. Edward go calm Jasper down. All of you, out! Blossom go hide upstairs!"

Blossom did as she was told. She found herself in a room that had all different types of music on shelves and a record player was there too.

She remembered the piano room, playing with Edward and surprising him when she played the piano.

Blossom was staring at the records and lost track of time.

A knock was heard on the door, Blossom turned and made eye contact with Edward.

"Where's Bella?" Blossom asked crossing her arms.

"I took her home. Carlisle stitched her up. I see you found my room."

"I'm sorry," Blossom said starting to make her way out but Edward caught her arm.

"Listen, I don't know what I'm doing anymore. I can't choose-."

"Then don't choose. Leave me alone then."

Edwards eyes went wide as she yanked her arm from his grasp.

"Blossom, my family and I decided to all go to Alaska for Bella's safety and because Carlisle looks younger then he is supposed to be and people are getting suspicious."

Blossom rolled her eyes. "So you leave Bella, play with my feelings and let Bella play with Jacob's feelings then go back to Bella and forget about me?"

"You have feelings for me?" Edward asked as he searched her thoughts.

"Fuck off, Edward. Go run off then, let's hope Bella kills herself this time and maybe you'll join her cause you just can't live without your Bella huh?"

With that, Blossom took off home on her new motorcycle with the leather jacket and cried herself to sleep.

Bad At Love [Edward Cullen]Where stories live. Discover now