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Blossom sat at a table by herself. Alice, Jasper, Rosalie and Emmett all sat down to keep her company.

"You look gorgeous in that dress," Rosalie told Blossom.

Alice jumped in. "Where'd you get it?"

Blossom laughed, munching on cheese and crackers that she had on a plate in front of her. "My dad took me shopping one afternoon, refused to let me stop till I bought a dress."

"Well it's beautiful on you," Alice told her as she held Jasper's hand.

"You two are truly looking amazing tonight," she complimented Alice and Rosalie who both smiled.

Blossom looked past the dancing graduates, past the open doors towards the garden where a gazebo sat.

"What you looking at?" Jasper questioned.

Blossom looked away, looking towards Jasper. "Outside, it's beautiful out there. I think I'm gonna go outside for a bit," she told them as she stood up, walking past the students and outside.

Edward walked to the table where his family sat as Bella wobbled with the cast on her foot. She couldn't dance so she took the spot where Blossom once sat.

"Where's Blossom?" Edward asked glancing around the room.

Alice smiled, "she's outside, you should go see her."

Edward looked towards Bella. "Will you four keep Bella company?"

"Of course," Emmett said as Alice already began talking Bella's ear off. Edward straightened out his suit as he disappeared into the crowd.

He found his way outside, Blossom was sniffing the flowers, running her fingers over the gazebo. She stepped onto the gazebo and looked out towards the sky where the stars shimmered above.

"You look beautiful," Edward told her as he approached her. She kept her eyes on the stars.

"You don't look too bad yourself," she told him. "How's miss cast leg doing?"

Edward chuckled. "She can't dance. Have you danced yet?"

Blossom laughed, looking down at her dress. Her nude heels peeked out at the bottom.

"I don't even have a date so how can I dance with someone? Plus I'm only here because Charlie made me go," she told him as she looked up, seeing he had moved to where he was standing in front of her.

"It's prom. All pretty girls should dance at least once," he told her as he gently took her hands. She stumbled towards him as he lead her to the middle of the gazebo.

"No, Eddie I don't know how to dance," she stumbled on her words as he placed her hand on his shoulder and he put his hand on her waist, holding her other hand.

He smirked. "Just follow me," he told her as he began slowly moving, she stepped on his feet a few times but soon they began to dance and it was like they were one.

They couldn't break eye contact as they touched foreheads, closing their eyes. They swayed to the music slower barley moving, blossom inhaled deeply, his cologne filling into her nose.

He opened his eyes and stared into her eyes. She opened her eyes, peeking out from under her eyelashes at him.

"Uh hm."

They broke apart slowly but when Edward looked towards the person who interrupted them, he backed up even further. It was Bella. He stumbled down the steps, going straight to her side. "I want to go home."

"Ah, yes. Thanks for dancing with me, Blossom. See you around," Edward said as quickly as possible.

Blossom watched them leave and once out of sight, she dropped to the floor, taking a seat on the wood. She sighed, Emmett came walking over.

"Come on, Rosalie and I will drive you home," he said putting his hands out as he helped her up, holding her close. Rosalie was waiting at the doors as she put an arm around Blossom. They took her home safely.

Bad At Love [Edward Cullen]Where stories live. Discover now