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Blossom arrived with the rest of the family at the field. She kept her distance from Bella as she stood close to Esme. The wind chilled her slightly.

"Come on, you two can help me make sure they don't cheat," Esme told the two human girls. Bella sheepishly smiles awkwardly as Blossom nodded her head.

"We don't cheat," Emmett scoffed.

"We'll win, now that we got Blossom watching you four," Rosalie boosted as she wrapped an arm over Blossom's shoulders making her feel colder.

Thunder rumbled from afar. Blossom stared in awe at the sky. Edwards eyes landed on her and his cold heart felt as though it was beating. Bella grasped his hand needingly causing him to look away hesitantly.

"Let's play ball," Jasper stated as they went out into the field. Alice threw the ball while they each took turns hitting it. The boys chased after it.

"My monkey man," Rosalie stated as she stared at Emmett who leaped into air with Edward to get the ball. Each hit sounded like thunder striking.

The ball got hit far out as Edward ran for it.

Bella shyly said, "home run."

Carlisle shook his head. "Edward will get it. He is the fastest out of us all."

"Impressive," Blossom breathes out as Carlisle slightly smirked, he patted her arm.

"Glad you think so."

"Stop!" Alice cried out. "They are here, they heard us."

Edward went straight to Bella's side as Rosalie went to Blossom's.

"Put your hair down, cover your scent," Edward told Bella as she did as he said.

Rosalie rolled her eyes. "Like that'd help," she growled as she took off her jacket and draped it over Blossom's shoulders, moving her hair to cover her neck.

Blossom smiled at the girl and nodded her head in thanks as the three vampires approached them.

"Hello, I'm James. This is my mate, Victoria and my friend, Laurent."

Victoria tossed the baseball in her hands.

Carlisle smiled. "I'm Carlisle and this is my family. We were just playing a game of baseball."

"May we join? I have a wicked curve ball," Victoria said slowly with a wicked smile.

"Your on," Emmett said becoming competitive.

"We were just leaving though," Carlisle explained. A gust of wind came by and blew Bella's hair away from her neck.

James caught a whiff and licked his lips as the whole family got in defensive positions.

"Seems like you brought a snack," James stated. His red eyes staring at her hungrily.

"She's with us. Now we'll be on our way," Carlisle explained as James Coven walked away. Edward rushes Bella into Emmett's Jeep and sped off.

Blossom was stunned as the rest of the family took care of her. She was taken back to the Cullen's house where she sat on a stool in the garage with confusion. All she remembers was Laurent being here, telling them bad news before running off.

"What's going on?"

Esme went up to the poor girl. "Bella has been tracked, James is a deadly tracker who doesn't give up."

Bella and Edward arrived.

"Wait, I'm coming with?" Blossom asked confused.

"No," Edward growled. "Only Bella. I'm taking her home."

"I don't think that's-."

Carlisle was cut off as Edward grasped Blossoms arm, dragging her to her motorcycle and forcing her onto the bike. Shoving her helmet to her chest, she held it.

"Asshole," she mumbled, half heartily hurting as she zoomed home. Worried gazes following her in till she disappeared into the night.

Bad At Love [Edward Cullen]Where stories live. Discover now