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A few days and nights passed. Blossom kept her distance from the Cullens when she found Bella going there often once again. Bella, Blossom also ignored her now alive sister.

It was prom night. Blossom didn't want to go but Charlie insisted. Blossom was laying on stomach on her bed, already in her dress when she heard a knock on the door.

She put the bookmark on the page she was reading off of and closed her book. "Yes?" she called out as she sat up from her bed, her bare feet touching the cold floor.

Her hair was curled. She opened her bedroom door and came face to face with Bella. "Hey, I just thought I should tell you that Edward is my date," she told her.

"Good for you," Blossom said slamming the door in her face. Bella huffed, not enjoying her emotionless reaction and went downstairs, her leg still in a cast. She wore a blue dress.

Blossom peeked the door open, hearing the front door open, she watched as Bella wobbled down the stairs to Edward who waited bellow. She couldn't see Edward and soon Bella was out of sight.

"Have fun," Charlie told them as he closed the front door. He shook his head. "You can come down now," he called out.

Blossom slipped on her heels and booked it down the stairs. She hugged her dad tightly.

"Please don't make me go," she begged him.

He hugged her tighter. "You'll have fun," he told her as he let his daughter go. He lightly shoved her towards the door as her shoulders dropped. She grabbed her keys and wallet and headed outside with a gloomy expression. "No, no, I'll drive yeah, police escort," he told her as he took her keys away, following her outside.

He locked up the house, walking her to the cruiser. "I'm okay, dad, really honestly," she told him as he opened the passenger door, helping her in. He got into the driver's side and started driving to the prom.

They pulled up, the doors were open and inside could be people dancing and enjoying prom.

"Alright get out of her kiddo," Charlie told his daughter. "You look beautiful," he told her.

"Thank you, dad," Blossom said as she took a deep breath, exiting the car. He drove off.

Blossom saw Bella sitting on a bench, talking to Jacob. He felt her gaze, they made eye contact. Blossom smiled a bit and he did too, with that she began walking towards the entrance.

She passed by Edward who didn't see her in till last minute as she walked into the loud music and graduateds. Blossom almost forgot how graduation went, Jessica had a long speech and such. That's basically it.

Blossom found herself sitting at an empty table all by herself. She waved at Alice and Jasper who were enjoying each other's company across the room. She also smiled at Rosalie and Emmett who were dancing up a storm, showing off.

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