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The next day, that Sunday morning, Blossom skipped breakfast. Her stomach grumbling. She pressed her hand to it and shushed it.

"Where you going Blossom?" her father asked as she tried tip toeing past him. He sat on the couch, watching the news. He was in his police uniform, getting ready to go. Harry, a fishing friend of her father, had died from an animal attack a few days ago or some say a heart attack.

"For a ride. I'm taking the dirt bike," she told him as she headed into the kitchen and out the back door.

"Be careful!" he shouted at her.

She went behind the shed and uncovered a red dirt bike. She coughed from the dust. She took a rag out of her back pocket and wiped it clean. She had built it with Jacob last summer, back when he wasn't obsessed of Bella.

She shook those thoughts away and picked up her dirt bike helmet. It was red. She placed it on her head and got on the bike. She started it and revived the engine. She shut her eyes and felt the power surge through her. A chill ran up her spin as she opened her eyes and zoomed into the forest, leaving a cloud of dirt behind her.

She biked up the trails and zoomed through the trees. All her anger fell out of her as she pressed her fingers harder on the gas as she ripped through the forest.

Distracted by a glimpse of Edward, standing there by a tree. She blinked and he was gone. As through he wasn't truly there.

A scream came out of her throat as the dirt bike wobbled and spun to the ground. She landed on the dirt.

She tossed her helmet off as her dirt bike zoomed off and fell to the ground a few feet away. She could still hear the tires spinning. She let out a breath of air. Laying her back to the cold dirt, her fingers grasped the dirt as she stared up at the trees.

She traced the branches with her eyes as the sun peaked out of the branches once and awhile depending on the angle.

She shut her eyes. Tiredness, anger, sadness and hunger, it all washed over here and took a toll on her system as she fell asleep. Clouds rolled over and rain drops landed on her, cooling her heated skin.


"She should be back by now," Charlie worried to Bella as he stared out the windows. He saw no sign of her.

"She probably ran away," Bella said under her breath. "I wish."

"It's been two hours," Charlie told her. "I'm going to go look for her," he said as he grabbed his shotgun and headed to the backyard.


Sam was doing his daily rounds when he heard a howl. It was from Paul. He ran to the area and there she was. Charlie's daughter, Blossom. She laid on her back, fast asleep, her body shivering as the dirt bike laid not far from here.

Both wolves changed back. "Take the bike. I got Blossom," Sam told Paul as he grabbed the bike.

Sam picked up Blossom and began walking to the Swan residence. They had just got there in time to see Charlie making his way into the forest with a shotgun.

"Sam?" Charlie asked and sighed when he saw Blossom.

"We found her in the forest. She was asleep," Sam told him as Charlie gave them a strange look for being shirtless in the rain but he shrugged it off and took his daughter from Sam.

She stirred away and looked at her father funny as he placed her on her feet. "What the-."

"You're freezing!" Charlie told her. "Bella! Go start a bath for her," Charlie ordered as Bella left the window and went to start the bath.

"Thank you," Blossom told Sam and Paul as she looked towards them. They nodded their heads.

"The bike?" Paul asked gesturing to it.

"Behind the shed," she told him as she took her helmet from his hands. She headed inside with Charlie as Sam and Paul left.

Her father scolded her. Telling her how worried he was. But she ignored him, heading upstairs to the bathroom where she soaked herself in the warm water.

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