1} Happy Hunting

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!!WARNING: this is going to be one long, angst ridden fic written mostly at 3am because self care. I am by no means the best writer so yeah expect some grammar issues and awkward phrasing; hopefully the plot will be enticing enough to make up for that! Anyway, enjoy the story kiddos!!

(Also, this fic is laced with lethal dosages of some of the best classic and contemporary rock music you'll ever hear so you're welcome. Sometimes the music is related to the chapter but normally it's just whatever I was jamming out to when I wrote the chapter, either way its good stuff.)

The burn of eyes on my body tipped me off that my plan had most definitely worked, and just in time too. I wasn't the only 'desperate and needy' chick in this dive bar and for a second I was worried that the usual bait wouldn't catch this slimy bugger.

I'd been tipped off that a vampire had been prowling this area, his MO fairly standard - pick up lost and hopeless girls at bars and use his nice guy act to lure them into his white '64 Pontiac, after which I can only assume he takes them to a nest of sorts and drains them like a kid with his Caprisun at play time.

Luckily for me, he had a clear type and boy was I it. Although, I had to ditch my usual, more casual vibe and adopt what can only be described as classically-misunderstood-and-rebellious-young-woman garb, complete with tear smudged makeup and an incredibly short dress. It felt uncomfortable to say the least but I wrapped myself in the extremely familiar and comforting leather jacket I'd acquired long ago and somehow it managed to make the ordeal a lot better.

Back to the matter at hand, I know this arsehole is in here because his car is parked outside and nobody has left the building so as I sip my shoddily prepared gin cocktail, I focus on looking sad and wasted.

"One whiskey." A deep voice from my right interjects and I jumpily turn to give him a once over.

I don't know what this vampire looks like so there's no way for me to know if this tall, definitely buff, green eyed wonder is my guy, but I turn away and sip my drink once more, hearing him sit down at the stool next to me and receive his drink whilst I look over his oddly familiar face. Damn, I wish I could cut this gin bullshit and tank a few glasses of that.

As if noticing me staring wistfully at the golden liquid, the stranger sips it before holding the glass out to me,

"You want a sip?" He asks, voice laced with lethal amounts of charm.

I smirk and shyly take the glass from him, making sure he sees me as the ideal target for his next meal, before slowly taking a large mouthful and dramatically pretending to choke on it, relishing in the smooth burn of the alcohol.

I cough and feel him patting my back, chuckling.

"Not a big drinker, huh?" He asks.

"Not until tonight." I breathe, batting my lashes and cringing myself to death as I try and act as sweet as possible.

"Something happen darlin'?"

"Yep." With a sad smile, I turn to face him and lean against the bar in mock drowsiness.

"What's got a pretty lady like you all sad in a bar like this then?" He asks with a smirk, catching me staring at him for a little too long.

"Oh just the usual, my boyfriend cheated on me and I ran away. I'm pretty lost to be honest." I chuckle, rubbing the back of my neck and catching his eyes dart to the skin there. Bingo.

"I'm no expert, but I know the roads pretty well, need any help getting home?" He offers with what appears to be genuine concern in his voice, but I know better than to trust a vampire.

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