13} Re-Introductions

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"I'm not sure this is a good idea, Dean." You mention nervously, remembering the last time you met this angel he accused you of being a demon and was pretty set on killing you to protect Dean.

"Trust me, Princess, he's not going to touch you if I'm here." Dean grins, leaning against your open bedroom door and running his tongue over his bottom lip as he watches you bend over in your short shorts to pull on a pair of running trainers. Upon standing up, you catch his stare and cross your arms, frowning at Dean as he throws you a panicked smile and shrugs.

"I don't get you. A few weeks ago I'm some monster and now you're checking me out? There's a bar a few minutes away, if you want to find a quick lay then I'd go there, you must be desperate if you'd consider banging a demon." You huff slightly, throwing on a hoodie and sliding past him out of the room, ignoring him protesting after you that you aren't a demon and quickly bounding down the stairs and into the kitchen, where you promptly run into Sam's large frame and almost fall back before he gently grips onto your shoulders and steadies you, the both of you erupting in laughter as he apologises.

"Don't know how I didn't see you there, Sam. If Bobby asks, I've gone on a run, I'll be home in an hour or two."

Sam frowns and shakes his head before awkwardly laughing,

"Wow, I assumed you were more like Dean and only ran when chased."

"Running is one of the only ways to clear my head that doesn't involve a lot of booze." You giggle, seeing Sam nod and barely noticing Dean entering the kitchen behind you and opening the fridge.

"She's a running freak like you, Sammy." He grumbles distastefully and pulls some leftover pie out of the fridge, immediately digging in and filling his mouth like an animal, making you frown.

"Hunters need to be strong, have endurance. We can't all sit around eating all day." You scoff, crossing your arms.

"We exorcise, not exercise." He grins sassily and offers you a bite of pie which you shake your head at before turning back to Sam.

"You're a runner too?" You ask and smile as he nods.

"I was going to go on a run this morning actually, know any good routes?"

"Don't be silly, go get changed and you can come with me: I've got a real peaceful trail I like to take in the morning around this time of year." You smile, feeling weird being this friendly with hunters but shrugging it off. Sam seemed to be someone you could truly get along with, he'd already shown he would stand up for you against even his own brother.

After Sam gratefully accepts and heads to go get changed, you turn to Dean and find him looking somewhat pissed off.

"Pie not good?" You ask, noticing him roughly drop it on the counter and flash an empty smile at you, one that barely reaches his lips let alone his eyes.

"Pie's great, you tryna lure my baby brother into the wilderness is less great. I hope you're not taking advantage of little Sammy now, are you?" He jokes rather testily, clearly annoyed and you cross your arms.

"Firstly, I don't go anywhere near hunters romantically, secondly, I'm pretty sure little Sammy is a big boy - quite literally - and can handle himself, and thirdly....is that jealousy I hear?" You smirk as he glares at you and fakes a laugh, pie crumbs still caught in his stubble.

"You wish."

He wipes his hands down his shirt and when he looks back up at you, you're significantly closer, approaching him with swaying hips and a small smile on your face, finally within a few inches. Your eyes gaze into his and he gets completely lost in them, his full lips parting slightly as your smile draws his eager eyes.

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