7} Basements

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(Y/n)'s POV

I must have managed to fall asleep over the sound of the blaring rock music because I wake to a soft tapping on my shoulder as Dean whispers that we are here.

Forcing myself to look up, I clock it immediately in the dim morning light - my old house. I haven't been here since I was a very little kid and the one thing I knew back then was that I never wanted to come back here. Taking a deep breath, I nod to Dean and get out of his car, quietly closing the door behind me as I made my way towards the house, shivers running up and down my spine as I unsheathe my machete. I hear Dean's consistent footsteps behind me and I focus on them as we walk up the porch steps and reach the front door.

Squatting down, I pry away a small, loose panel of the house's wooden exterior and reach into the shallow recess there, pulling out a set of spare keys. I guess old habits die hard huh dad?

Before I open the door, I exchange one last cautious glance with Dean and as he nods I get launched back into the past, the trauma, the overwhelmingly pants reality of this fucking house. My breathing quickens like I'm an asthmatic in a smoke-easy but I push it aside and Dean and I split up to do a sweep of the house before meeting back up at the basement door.

My skin crawls with every step I take and the sight of these familiar rooms is enough to make my eyes water, I can still see my mother there, brave for once but not immortal. I push it away.

The basement door is a whole different story and the decade of nightmares still hasn't prepared me for this moment. I turn the handle slowly and it clicks open, unlocked. It was never unlocked, why is it unlocked?

I pull it fully open until it's flush against the wall and my eyes become immediately drawn to the scratches at its base, proof of a desperate animal clawing away at the wood until their nails bled and tore.

Enough. I clench my fists and move forwards, creeping down the stairs and making no noise. Followed by the quiet but entirely audible thuds of Dean walking behind me like a heavy footed oaf.

The lighting is less than optimal and as I enter the basement I feel my heart sink at the sight of the boarded up windows, only allowing slivers of the daylight in, and the rancid smell. From what I can tell, it hasn't changed. There's a row of cages along one wall, a large operating table in the middle of the room and that incredibly inviting fridge in the corner to the left of us.

"Well well well, what brings my little sparrow back to her nest? I see you've grown some beautiful wings, darling." My whole body recoils and I spin to face the noise but nobody stands where it originated from.

"None of this shit, I'm here to kill you and then I'm burning this house to the ground and leaving." I speak up, glancing at Dean, a frown still on his face as he moves closer to me and remains vigilant.

"So cold, do you not love me anymore? I thought there was hope yet when you begged John not to kill me." The man chuckles, his voice echoing all around us as Dean and I stand back to back with our machetes out.

"Because I wanted to be the one to rip your head off." I spit through gritted teeth, catching sight of movement out the corner of my eye and spinning Dean out of the way just in time to swing at the lunging mass, cutting their arm deep enough to make them stop in their tracks, gleaming eyes staring wide at me.

"Darling, that's no way to talk to your father." He smirks, eyes wide and full of insanity as he dodges another swing of my blade.

"You are not my father." I grunt with another swing at his neck.

"Don't be like that, sweetheart, we used to have so much fun down here, you used to love playing patient for me." With the smile slipping off of his face, his hand flies too fast for me and the back of his hand catches my cheek, sending me reeling into the surgical table.

"(Y/n)!" Dean tackles the vampire as I pull myself up and look around for the blade I dropped, keeping an eye on the struggling men as I lunge for it, holding it tightly as I watch Dean get pinned to the ground by the throat.

Think damn it you stupid bitch!

"Hey, dad?" I call, rolling my sleeve up and waiting for both men to look my way before drawing the blade across my flesh and letting the blood trickle down, dripping from my fingertips as my father's eyes mist over with bloodlust and he speeds towards me, leaving Dean to pass out on the floor and ripping the knife from my hand, stopping himself on his knees with my arm right next to his nose.

"Your smell, it's excellent! I know we worked very hard to achieve it but it's still as valuable as ever. Do you remember out little soirées?" He whispers, nostrils flared and teeth ready, though he still holds back.

"I remember. I remember everything every time I close my damn eyes and do you know what?" He looks up at me and his eyes are almost completely black with hunger as he waits for me to continue.

"All that fucking around you did with me gave me some really messed up gifts."

My hand darts out and presses to his forehead as I focus on forcing a surge of energy down my arm and into his skull, watching as his eyes widen before his entire head splits into chunks in an explosion of power that splatters his head all over the room, my breathing heavy and heart rate fast.

"Fuck." Cursing, I rush to Dean's side and his red face is slowly turning back to normal and his breathing levels out, although he is watching me with what I can only describe as horror. I'm used to it by now but it always stings. Always.

"Dean, I don't care if you're afraid of me, you should be, but I have just sent out the damn bat signal and in a few minutes this place will be crawling with pretty much everything so you're going to take a deep breath right now and close your eyes. Ok?" I ask, barely waiting for him to nod before grabbing his shoulder and feeling the familiar compression of being teleported, this time to Bobby's living room.

I glance around and hear Bobby and Sam talking in the kitchen, their conversation pausing as Dean coughs and then the two of them appear from the hallway, eyes wide as they take us in.

"(Y/n)? What happened to Dean? When did you get home?" Sam asks, gravitating towards his brother and helping him stand as they both stare at me in confusion.

The look in Dean's eyes makes my heart burn. He's so disgusted. But it's Bobby that makes me want to cry most, I can tell by his silence and his face - he knows.

"Bobby...I had to do it. He had to die and that was the only way, I-"

"Kid, you never learn. We will talk when this is over but for now, you're taking route Y, third book from the left." Bobby grunts, voice wobbling a little.

Obeying, I turn to the bookcase and pull off the book, flipping it open and seeing John's handwriting, the first page saying only a few words.

Get as far away from Bobby as you can.

So with one last glance at Bobby, I close my eyes and vanish from their lives.

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