27} Broken

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Song is a little off style because it's not really classical rock but I like it so 😝

Trigger warnings from last chapter apply to this one as well so be careful and just remember I can be a makeshift therapist if you need one.


"So we're looking for a cupid?" You ask Castiel as you glance around the dim restaurant/bar he'd taken all of you to in search of the angel responsible for those strange marks on every victim's heart. "Are cupids known to enjoy dank hovels?"

"This place is a human breeding ground, we are sure to find a cupid here. We just have to wait." Cas drones on as he usually does. Although, you had to admit that he was growing on you now that he wasn't insistent on killing you or trying in vain to teach you tricks.

You absentmindedly readjust the bandage around your wrist and zone out, your gaze fixed on the sharp knife laying on the table as your fingers twitch and you daydream about the smooth steel piercing your jugular, until a preppy waitress delivers Sam a salad and Dean a burger, which he shockingly doesn't even take a bite out of. You bite your lower lip as you worry about him; he normally would have devoured that burger in two minutes tops.

"I'm not even hungry." He sighs, pushing the plate away from himself.

"So you're not going to eat that?" Cas interjects, waiting for Dean's acknowledgement before he hastily lifts the plate from in front of him and begins to take massive bites of food he's never even shown interest in before, let alone eaten. It takes everyone by surprise, even Sam whose sentence gets caught in his throat whilst he joins you and Dean in giving Cas shocked stares.

"Are you sure you're ok, man? You're never not hungry." Sam probes, setting his own salad aside and giving Dean a look that screams I'm going to get to the bottom of your weird behaviour one way or another.

"Yeah, I feel fine, I'm just not hungry." He shrugs in response and you remain silent, still half caught in your own bubble until your hands, thankfully located under the table, feel full of some rough material suddenly. You subtly glance down and your heart races as you see a coil of rope dangling innocently from your fingers, enough to hang yourself. The though is enough to shock you but your fear that Sam or Dean would be able to hear what you're thinking is what makes you gasp and drop the rope, pushing yourself to stand and back away from the table.

Their focus can't stay on you long however, as both you and Cas stiffen and look around the room, finding a couple who almost glow with affection for each other - grim - and quickly begin to snog right in the middle of the restaurant. They had to be this cupid's mark. You don't even say goodbye to the boys before popping yourself into the back room where you can feel his energy strongest and just as you realise you've got no idea how to talk to this angel, Castiel appears and tethers himself to the suspect, speaking a few words of enokian once Sam and Dean arrive to force the cupid to reveal itself.

Considering the few angels you'd met were all insanely boring and entirely too uptight, the last thing you expected to show up was a rotund, nude man who seems to enjoy cuddles and more cuddles but hey, life is full of surprises.

The three of you grill him pretty good, which tends to be easy when the target spills their guts and almost starts crying about doing their job poorly, and you're soon pretty sure he's not the killer, although Cas scans his brain or whatever for good measure and at the cherub's request. You yourself hang back a tad, your eyes finding themselves repeatedly drawn to the gun holster on Dean's hip, the shining metal of his Desert Eagle enough to make your finger twitch as it calls for you to take it. Take it and shoot yourself in the head with it.

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