12} Sun-kissed

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"Miss me, old man?" You splutter out as Dean helps you wobble your way through the front door of Bobby's house, tasting blood on your tongue but not sure if you coughed it up or if it trickled down from your nose.

As Bobby wheels himself around the corner and into the entryway, you feel your face scrunching into a frown, staring at the wheelchair and pushing away from Dean.

"What the hell, Bobby? Who did this?" You yell, falling to your knees and reaching for his hand to squeeze it, both of your eyes full of a sad anger.

"Never mind me, what the hell have you done to yourself now, girl?" Already in full on parent mode, Bobby reprimands you as Dean hauls you up and sits you down on a chair, grabbing a first aid kit and helping you wipe the blood off of your face, although more dribbles down from your nose to replace it and Bobby hands you a cotton ball to press against it as he begins looking at the back of your head, tutting and sighing like the grouchy man he can sometimes be.

"What part of 'keep her safe' do you idjits not get?" Bobby turns his anger on the two boys who sheepishly lean against the wall and keep their mouths closed, guilt on their faces. "You two scared now? You should be. I should never 'a trusted you with my girl."

"Bobby, it's-" Dean starts, rubbing the back of his neck and not making eye contact before you quickly interrupt him.

"It's thanks to Dean that I'm still even alive. I told the boys to leave me alone and if they hadn't come back for me then I'd be crispier than an autumn leaf so don't you go yelling at them, Bobby." 

Sam smiles slightly whilst Dean looks at you in shock, you guess he didn't expect you to defend him after the fight you had. Taking your words into consideration and seemingly mulling them over, Bobby glares at the boys one last time before continuing to examine your bleeding head.

"Well there's blood but there's no cut." Bobby announces, frowning and moving on to check the worst of the burns, the stinging ones that have little bubbles and blisters next to deep red sores. "These on the other hand, need medical attention, I should be taking you to a hospital."

"You know I'm not going anywhere near a hospital, Bobby." You cough, meeting his disapproving gaze with your own stubborn stare. "Now I want to know who needs beating for letting you get hurt this bad, then I'm going to find a way to fix both of us."

"Heal yourself." Sam suggests, all eyes turning to look at him like he's insane.

"What the hell are you talkin' about boy?" Bobby asks.

"You healed Dean with just one touch, can't you heal yourself?"

Your eyes widen before Bobby turns to look at you in shock.

"You did what now?" Voice increasingly more angry, he tries not to shout at you.

You pull the cotton away from your nose and check the blood flow has stopped before carefully speaking,

"What can I say? I'm a sucker for the eyes." You laugh at your own joke and wink at Dean, who just smirks and shakes his head, before succumbing to the stern look from Bobby and getting serious. "Don't ask me how I knew, I just did. I knew that if I tried, I could put some of my...demon mumbo-jumbo into him and he'd be healed."

The three men look at each other and the atmosphere stills, each determining if the others are thinking the same thing. You simply sit, helplessly looking from man to man until you get fed up.

"Guys? What's wrong with y'all?"

"How much do you actually know about demons?" Dean cuts in, shoving his hands into his pockets.

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