Bonus: A Note To Sweetest Sammy

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The moment I met you, I knew that this large, fluffy boy would be my best friend and I was completely right. You understand maybe more than anyone how freakishly naff this role I've been raised into is and you've never judged me for it, not once. Thank you.

I'm sorry I'm not strong enough to resist this but my life was over anyway the minute I watched Abby die. Please understand that I never wanted any of this and I'm still rooting for team free will even though I can't join you.

I know I don't need to ask this of you but please, don't let Dean do anything stupid. Not that he necessarily would or anything, I know I'm not the only girl he fancies, but just in case.

More importantly, look after yourself. You are so much stronger than anyone gives you credit for, and by anyone I mean Dean who can't stop thinking of you as his little brother. I believe in you, Sam. I always will.

Stay strong,


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