21} Conventional Family

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Your morning starts with bright light beaming in through the window and warming your face, your eyes fluttering open to greet it with a squint. As your natural response to waking up, you try to stretch your limbs but you're restricted by a heavy weight resting across your torso. It feels good. Safe.

"Mornin'." The rough voice mumbles sleepily into your ear, tickling your neck and causing a soft giggle to escape you.

"Mmmm...Dean." A mumble tumbles from your lips and you arch back into his warm body, smiling as his arms tighten around you and he nuzzles his head into your neck, the stubble gently scratching your skin.

His hand rubs against your stomach and you wince a little as it presses against fresh stitches that were healing, albeit superhumanly fast, from the incident in the hospital.

"Oh crap, does it still hurt?" Dean asks, propping himself up on his elbow and leaning over you as you turn to lie on your back.

"Nope, I'm a fast healer, remember?" You joke, reaching a hand up to trail softly along his jawline, watching his eyebrows crease.

"Damn it, I forgot to yell at you about that. You shouldn't have done it, (y/n)." His voice hardens as he speaks, guilt seeping into his emerald orbs.

"You want me to just watch you get shot? I'm not sure what weird kink that is but-" you begin before silencing yourself as Dean's face remains serious.

"I'm not joking. He could have hit something important, you could have died." He exhales deeply, his eyelids squeezing shut for a moment.

Rolling your eyes, you push yourself up off of the bed and quickly force Dean down, straddling his waist whilst your hands rest either side of his head and looking down at him as your (h/l), (h/c) hair cascades over your shoulder.

"Do I need to pull the 'I'm half Angel' card? I'll recover from this faster than either of you could." You tease, letting out a long sigh as Dean shoots you a bitch face. "I'm not sorry for doing it, Dean, I'd do it again. I was trained to put other people's lives before mine, you were too, so I'm not going to stand by and watch if I see someone aiming a gun at your back."

He hesitates before replying, understanding your argument entirely since he knows he would have done the same thing for you or Sam if given the chance.

"I don't like you throwing yourself into danger because of me, it don't feel right." He mumbles, sulking like a child.

"Well maybe I think you're worth the risk. And I'm a big girl, Dean, I can handle it." You reassure him with a giggle, leaning down and pressing one last, chaste kiss on his forehead before climbing off of him and out of the bed, grabbing the pair of jeans you'd folded the previous night and tugging them on, feeling Dean's gaze burning all over your bare skin.

Finally dressed, you blow Dean a kiss and leave your room, heading for room 12 and knocking gently on the door. It's not long before the impressively tall and handsome hunter opens up and gives you a smile as he spots you on the doorstep, moving aside and allowing you inside.

"(Y/n), it's good to see you in one piece, did something happen last night?" He asks, gesturing to the bruises on your face that had only gained darker colours overnight.

"Oh it's nothing, you should see the other guy. I'm sorry to just ditch you like that, I know both of you had questions." You respond with a warm smile, hoping to placate Sam and the concern evident on his face.

"No need to apologise to me, it was Dean who was kinda pissed at you. Speaking of..." He trails off towards the end, raising his eyebrows in a questioning motion. "I take it you've seen Dean this morning."

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