5} Pie

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By the time I get back to the kitchen to get the pie out of the oven, Dean is gone and I've gotten through two other books in the large stack Bobby wants done. I reckon in another day I'll be done and on my way, just enough time for my fist to heal and my ribs to stop playing around, every bruise from that night now an ugly shade of browny-green.

Pulling the pie out, I cut out a big slice and grab a fork before heading down to the basement and slowly pushing open the door with a loud creak that causes the older man to look over at me tiredly.

"I know you're mad at me, Bobby, and I know I'm not the easiest baby sitting job by far, but I'm also not sorry for what I did. I made you pie because I'm sorry you don't like me taking risks like that, but I don't regret doing it. You know me better than just about anyone and to think I could get that phone call, hear you scream in pain like that, and just do nothing? That's a sign of madness right there." I see him smile ever so slightly and nod his head in acknowledgement.

"I know you had to come get us, but you didn't have to handle everything by yourself, you never have had to and never will, not since you got here. You're a strong little lady and I've taught you well, but everyone needs a hand sometimes, I just wish you'd accept that." He says, pulling the other chair out from under the desk and motioning for me to sit down next to him, which I don't challenge, popping myself down and letting him look over my mostly healed hand again.

"It's not that easy, if you're in the fight you could get hurt, I'd rather eliminate that risk by keeping you far away from any homicidal vampire hybrids that want to gouge out your eyes and feed them to John's kids for shits and giggles." I mumble, wincing as he presses a thumb against my knuckles.

"Look, (y/n), I may not be your biological dad but I've been trying to look after you for almost 15 years now, you're my daughter. And what kind of dad would I be if I felt comfortable watching you hurt yourself to save me getting my hands dirty?" My heart warms a little, basking in the thought of a dad who actually loves me.

"In my defence, the benchmark my 'father' set for you is comically low so I'm unsure what constitutes a good dad." I joke, trying to laugh it off but pausing as Bobby frowns at me. "I'm sorry. Dean is right, I'm an ungrateful brat and you probably don't deserve all my bullshit so I'll try to be more risk adverse."

I stare down at the ground and my eyes catch on a split in the devil's trap coating the floor, my head tilting a little at it.

"Bobby, this trap isn't complete, you should fix it before it comes back to bite you on the ass." I mention as a side comment and he too widens his eyes before smiling at me.

"Thank you, I'll fix it later." Bobby smiles, taking a large bite of the pie and smiling for a moment until something crosses his mind and he puts his fork down once again. "Wait a second, Dean called you an ungrateful brat?"

"Yeah, he was pretty mad at me for not apologising to you straight away, tried to order me around." I shrug off his concern and he finishes his slice of pie quickly before heading out of his panic room and back upstairs, me hot on his heels.

"Dean?" He calls out to the house, striding into the kitchen as I follow behind him, catching sight of Dean leaning against the counter with his mouth full of what can only be half of the missing pie, trying to act casually.

"Yea Bobby?" He chokes out, the words distorted by the food crammed into his face.

I can't help but laugh, seeing him trying to act as if he hadn't eaten anything with pastry clearly stuck in his stubble and on his lip.

"I came to tell you to never call my kid an ungrateful brat but I see you're busy stuffing your face with the pie she lovingly made me, it's good isn't it?" He asks, a mild threat in his voice, although Dean doesn't seem to notice or even care.

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