10} Home Stretch

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(Y/n)'s POV

The sunlight through the window wakes me, a yawn filling my lungs as I stretch my limbs and sit up to face an empty motel room.

"Dean? Sam?" I call out and stand up to check the bathroom.

"They aren't in there baby girl." A cold voice from behind me echoes and I spin around, feeling like I've been dropped from a height.

Casually leaning against the door is the tall, blond and evil man I despise, his buff arms crossed and his eyes a solid black.

"What did you do?" I growl.

"You think I can't get into your head anymore? Baby, I never left you, not really." Suddenly he's before me, his hand gently stroking my hair as he breathes in my scent. "I can never stop thinking about my sweet baby girl and all the fun we had together."

"Go fuck yourself." I spit, regretting it as he slams me against the wall and a whimper escapes me.

"Now now, Love, don't be like that." He smirks like a maniac and the force holding me to the wall strengthens, the air being forced out of my lungs. "You know just how desperate I am to teach you a lesson and splatter this room with your new toy's innards?"

"You think I honestly care for anyone? I swore off that shit when I realised just how weak it makes me, you showed me that you black eyed bastard."

"We both know that's just not true....and I can think of at least two people that still get you all riled up. Maybe I should pay them a visit, I think I still recall where that old hick lives."

"You so much as look at Bobby and you will be begging me to send you to hell." Snarling like a rabid dog, I struggle and thrash around, not stopping until I feel the impact of my body hitting the motel floor as I wake up.

"(Y/n)!" Dean's gravely voice reaches my ears, my whole body reacting as I shoot myself up and dive for the knife on the bedside table, falling off of the bed in the process and frantically scooting myself to put my back against the wall with the knife clenched in front of me. Heartbeat soaring, I glance around the room and breathe a sigh of relief when it's just Sam and Dean staring back at me, albeit very worried.

I run a hand through my hair and drop the knife next to me, holding my head still for a while to stop it from spinning. It's been so long since I had nightmares like that and I do not miss them.

Breathing a few more deep breaths, I whisper a quick sorry to the boys and stand up, only to stumble into the bathroom and hurl into the toilet.

I flinch as a hand brushes my shoulder but the black watch and a soothing "Hey, just me." from Dean's lips has me calming down enough to allow him to hold my hair back as I vomit once more, producing nothing but stomach acid. When was the last time I ate?

When I finally stop heaving, Dean helps me stand up and I lean on the sink as I brush my teeth and wash my face.

"Wanna talk about what just happened?" He probes lightly and with a subtle smile in his voice as always but nonetheless serious about the offer.

"Nightmare, really shitty nightmare." I breathe, reliving it and feeling my stomach churn again whilst I storm out of the bathroom, past a very concerned Sam, and load all of my things into my duffle, swinging it over my shoulder as the boys exchange glances. "Look, don't ask me why but something isn't right and I'm going off book. If you don't hear from me by tomorrow then please just...just check in with Bobby. I need to get on the road before I go completely mental."

"Nah, if Bobby is involved then screw it, so are we. We are coming with you." Already packing his things up, Dean shoots me a smile that almost dares me to argue with him and I flounder for a second before just nodding my head.

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