20} The First Rule

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"Thanks, Tony, I really needed that." You smile, the aches and pains in your body feeling surprisingly relieving. But even more so is the cash in your hands.

"No problem, doll, working with you is always a pleasure." Tony grins, his teeth almost too white and clashing with the thick, ebony hair curling around his face. "I swear, when the people see you, they make bets like crazy! Nobody expects a little thing like you to pull half the shit you do in there."

You both laugh as you pull on a tank top over your sports bra and then a flannel shirt.

"Is George ok? I didn't mean to hit him that hard, I just got a little worked up today." You feel marginally guilty but there are no rules here - in a fight, anything goes - and he had landed a few good hits on you too.

"He's fine, his pride is a different story."

You can only imagine the shame of being a large, 6"8' man and having your ass served to you by a woman who was barely pushing 5"6'.

"Yeah, that's gotta hurt. Next time I'm in town, I'll buy him a round and we'll call it quits. I have to go now, there's someone I need to see." You sigh, having a clear enough head now to think through your dilemma.

"Ay, no problem." Tony shrugs before his eyes come alight with excitement. "But if you're around in a few months, we've got a big event planned, I could use a tough gal like you. Of course, this would line your pockets too."

"Who am I to refuse easy money?" You smirk, giving Tony a quick slap on the shoulder and saying goodbye before leaving, nodding to the hefty bouncer on the door as you walk out onto the streets of New Jersey, still loud even past midnight. It's definitely a change from your usual hunting grounds, in the middle of bum-fuck nowhere, but it isn't necessarily good. Imagine trying to sleep in the city that never does. Terrible.

Once you're out of sight, you close your eyes and picture the road you'd left the boys on, the noise around you instantly fading to just the wind as it swipes across your sweaty, and most likely bloody, face. It's a relaxing and relatively short walk to the centre of town and you spot a motel on a road leading to the interstate which is most likely where the boys are staying. Unexpectedly, when you walk into the office it's manned by an older gentleman who is casually flipping through a magazine.

"Sorry, sir, I'm looking for two men, one is freakishly tall with longer, dark hair, the other is a little smaller, looks like he could be a male model on this weeks print of bikes and bad boys." You ask, suppressing your blush at the thought of Dean straddling your triumph motorcycle, covered in a light sheen of sweat and car grease.

"Room 12, but it's pretty late, ma'am." The motel owner chuckles slightly and nods, your description amusing him with its bizarre accuracy.

You glance at the clock and you aren't surprised that it's already 2am.

"Damn, do you have any free rooms? A single would be perfect."

"Room 13 is all yours."

You pay for just one night and head to your new room, sticking your ear to room 12's door on the way past it and hearing nothing. You decide to just check in on them tomorrow and flop yourself down onto the bed, moaning as you realise you don't have any spare clothes to change into and you'll have to make do. Dragging yourself to your feet, you stumble to the bathroom and turn on the shower to at least clean the blood and grime from your body, sighing in contentment as the hot water rushes over you. You stay in for longer than you usually would but finally leave the shower's warm embrace and pull your underwear back on along with your tank top, catching sight of yourself in the mirror and running your fingertips along the bruise gracing your jaw, another snaking up your cheekbone and complimenting the split in your lower lip and the tear in the delicate skin of your eyebrow, not to mention those littering your forearms and one larger once blossoming on your abdomen. They sing with dull pain which you don't mind at all as you turn off the lights and climb into bed, falling asleep only moments after your head hits the pillow.

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