18} Bad Life Choices

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The bar isn't packed but the ambience is still comfortably buzzing as you make your way to the bartender and get his attention.

"Scotch on the rocks, please." You order, sitting down and shrugging off your leather jacket, leaving you in just your black tank top.

"Make that two." Dean cuts in from behind you, sliding into the seat next to you and rifling through his wallet to pull out a few bills to pay for it.

"Don't waste all your pocket money on me, Dean." You tease, smiling as he shoots you a halfhearted glare before laughing.

"A bet is a bet and I lost, so the drinks are on me and tomorrow...you get to take Baby for a ride." He gulps, his eyes pleading with you to not fuck up his car and honestly making you laugh.

"Forget about it, I didn't win anything, you and Sam helped me." You insist, thanking the bar tender as he sets your drink in front of you and immediately downing half of it, the burn going some way towards relieving the stress from the day. "I don't think I said it before but uh...I got careless with Scott and I panicked...so thank you for your assistance."

"No thanks necessary, that son of a bitch deserved a whole lot worse though." Dean says with a click of his tongue, taking a sip of his drink and sighing.

"I wouldn't worry about that, he's definitely not having a fun time right now." You smirk, sucking an ice cube into your mouth and crunching down on it.

Dean's suspicious eyes lock onto yours and he squints at the mirth in them before his curiosity gets the better of him and he finally asks,

"Where'd you put him?"

"A prison in Brazil; no guards on the inside and not a very nice place to be if you're a child killer." You chuckle around your glass as you take another gulp.

"Can't tell if I'm proud or scared." He replies, ordering another round as you turn your stool and glimpse around the bar.

"What can I say? I'm a big fan of vigilante justice." You joke, taking the new drink from Dean and downing it in one, shaking your head a little. "Are you sure Sam is ok alone?"

The three of you had driven straight to the bar from the school and Sam had opted to drive the impala back to the motel you were all staying at, since you insisted you'd drive Dean back later.

"Oh Sammy is fine, he doesn't know how to have fun anyway." Dean smiles, his eyes wandering to your lips for a second as his tongue darts out to wet his lower lip.

"You mean his idea of fun isn't drinking his way towards liver failure?" Giggling, you lean your head on you hand, elbow on the wooden bar, and turn your body to face Dean, whose eyes you catch wandering down your body almost hungrily.


In a comfortable silence, the two of you enjoy a minute or two of listening to the music and sipping new drinks, whiskey this time, before Dean's features grow troubled and his lips draw tight together.

"Look, I didn't mean to bring up and bad memories with hell or anything, I didn't know..." Dean breaks the silence, awkwardly refusing to make eye contact.

"Stop, Dean. You don't have to make yourself uncomfortable by feeling your feelings, if Bobby taught me anything it's that manly men don't enjoy it." You laugh, although you know that you're not just saving Dean from his feelings but partly yourself. "I did what I had to do to save someone important and I went to hell for it, I was down there for a year and a half earth time, but you know that's so much longer than it sounds."

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