29} Highlight Reel

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Ooo I liked writing this one, this is one of my favourite episodes!

Let me know what you think of the story so far


The decision to leave with the brothers came easily to you, as much as you hate to leave Bobby alone, you know he needs time and he's not too humble to presume that him dying would most likely be the last straw for all three of you, probably leading directly to the start of the apocalypse. Not ideal.

You'd just completed a run of the mill salt and burn in some dingy shithole named Ohio and decided to crash at the nearest motel. Since the boys were both completely worn out, you volunteered to go on the food run whilst Dean flopped onto the bed and Sam got out his laptop to find another hunt. Playing it safe, you went to the nearest burger place and got three of the greasiest burgers you'd seen in a while, chuckling as you can already picture Sam's disapproval of the meal.

With the food in one hand and the room keys in the other, you fumble your way into the motel room.

"Alright dudes, dinner is served, Dean I got you extra bacon so get your ass up." You laugh, although it's cut short when you look up and see both of them sitting on their beds being held at gunpoint by two men with balaclavas partially removed.

"Shit, you said it'd be just them!" One whines to the other, who spins just in time as you drop the food and move to draw your gun.

"Walt, don't you dare-" Dean warns.


The shot rips into you before you can act, a huge wave of pain hits you before everything goes dark.

Dean sits up straighter, his fists clenching as he stares at your body, blood pooling from the buckshot wounds riddling your torso. Sam runs a hand through his hair and tries to look anywhere but the bloodstains.

"Crap, I thought we were only getting Sam!"

"Shut up." Walt snaps, now turning on Sam and pulling the trigger again, another bang cracking through the motel room as Sam falls back onto the bed.

Now Dean is really pissed. His jaw clenches tight enough to ache and he turns to face Roy, staring down the barrel of the gun with a look that could easily kill.

"What are you doing, Roy? Get it done." Walt orders, his partner hesitating still.

"Killing Sam, that was right but...but Dean didn't do anything wrong, neither did she."

"Are you crazy? He made us and we just snuffed his brother and his bitch, do you want to spend every day knowing that Dean Winchester is on your ass? 'cuz I don't."

"Go ahead, shoot me," he growls, fearless now.

It doesn't feel real. He just watched you and Sammy die and it feels like this is all a joke, like none of it had really happened but at the same time, his heart is ripping open from the pain and it's all he can do not to punch Walt square in the jaw until it tears off.

"But when I come back," his nose twitches in anger, "I'ma be pissed."



Your eyes open to darkness and it takes you a second or two to realise you're blindfolded but no time at all to rip the cloth from your eyes to get a look at your surroundings. You're dumbfounded once more as all you see before you is the huge feat of engineering that is the Hobby-Eberly Telescope. You scan the room quickly and see no sign of another soul until suddenly, Dean appears looking as confused as you feel.

Buy Me Dinner First [Dean Winchester x Reader]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora